voidBackgroundPlugin::test_loadJavaClass() { JNIEnv* env =NULL;if(gVM->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK) { gLogI.log(kError_ANPLogType," --- LoadJavaTest: failed to get env");return; }constchar* className ="com.android.sampleplugin.BackgroundTest"; jclass bac...
1. In human cells, ANP32A and ANP32B serve redundant roles to support influenza polymerase9. In chicken cells, ANP32A is solely responsible for the pro-viral function while ANP32B is inactive10. In both species, ANP32E is suggested to have an antiviral effect11. Replication of the viral g...
To test the ability of ApoE supplementation to rescue the harmful effects induced by CC2238/αANP, and based on sequencing results of specific ApoE isoforms expressed in the two cell lines, HUVSMCs were exposed for 12 h to CC2238/αANP and either recombinant ApoE2 or ApoE3 protein (10 ...
Freshly collected matched pairs of serum and plasma samples (n=13) were kept at room temperature (18-26°C) for different time periods. Aliquots were drawn and immediately frozen at -70°C and assayed all together the next day in one test run. The graph below summarizes the data obtained...
The ANP method is used to normalize the matrix relationship generated by the influencing factors to test the weights among influencing factors [20]. Therefore, in this study, we used DEMATEL to enhance our understanding of the relationships between indicators whose purpose was to determine the ...
After passing consistency test, the weight of all indicators in the FANP model was calculated using Super Decisions software, as shown in Table 12. Table 12. The weight of all indicators in FANP model. 4.2.3. Numerical Analysis of the TOPSIS Model The TOPSIS model is applied for ranking...
[11]. Briefly, 100 μg of GIPCs Pb-2 and Ss-Y2 were heated in a Teflon-lined screw-capped test tube with 10 N NH3.H20 (~ 1 mL) for 18 h at 150°C. The solution was cooled and evaporated under N2 stream at 37°C; this process was repeated after addition of a few drops of...
Ordinary one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s post hoc test for multiple comparisons. P < 0.05 is considered significant to reject the null hypothesis. Western blot analyses were repeated from n = 3 independent experiments with similar results. For gel source data, see Supplementary Fig. 2. Extended ...
The χ2-test was used to evaluate the correlation between ANP32B expression and p-AKT expression. The P-values for comparison between line-linked groups were obtained by Student's t-test. All statistical tests were two-sided, and Po0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Conflict ...
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to assess distribution of continuous variables, when appropriate. Continuous variables are expressed as mean ± SEM unless otherwise specified. Studentttest or Mann-Whitney test was used to compare means or medians of two independent groups, when appropriate. ...