Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead.
To reduce the amount or quantity of reduce decrease diminish lower rationaliseUK rationalizeUS downsize lessen restrict retrench slash limit prune trim axUS axeUK discount slenderize cut back cut back on cut down on economize on mark down slim down cut down ease up on curtail drop abate moderate...
A good starting hand can be made up of all high cards, a straight, or three of a kind. After the two initial cards are dealt, there’s a round of betting that starts with the player to the left of the dealer. Each player must place a small amount of money into the pot, called ...
Quantities, and the ratios of quantities, which in any finite time converge continually to equality, do not in general become ultimately equal but differ from strict equality by a small but finite amount. Now, it is true that in general we do not know what this ‘small amount’is ─ altho...
and am trying to be more conscious of what I consume. Portion sizes are the biggest culprit in my diet, as I eat pretty healthily all the time. I was a very skinny child and young adult. I could eat absolutely anything, in any quantity, without gaining a pound. I have a hard time...
The most common forms of lotteries are in the field of finance, where participants bet small amounts of money for the chance to win large sums of money. These kinds of lotteries are often criticized as addictive forms of gambling, but they can be beneficial to society when used for good ...
To find the unique name for a table, select the table in Power Apps and then selectSettings. TheNameappears on theEdittable pane. The form ID can be found in the browser URL when you edit a form. The ID follows the/edit/portion of the URL. ...
future. You might like to specify a timeout for read operations, to control the amount of time a connection will linger for before a reset is sent, whether Nagle’s algorithm is enabled/disabled, or the send and receive buffers for datagram sockets. 1.8 When my client connects to my serve...
When users ask high-level questions, the complexity of the inquiry often necessitates a more sophisticated approach. The new capabilities determine key considerations for answering such inquiries, developing a small plan with multiple tasks and objectives. This method ensures that each aspect of the ...
For each type of sacrifice, there is always a provision for those who can’t afford the more expensive sacrifice; sometimes a couple of birds or sometimes a small amount of flour, see Leviticus 5:11. Every field and vineyard owner was required to leave a portion of their crops for the ...