The meaning of SMALL is having comparatively little size or slight dimensions. How to use small in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Small.
6. not large but sufficient in size or amount e.g. a modest salary modest inflation helped in my own small way Synonym: modest 7. (of children and animals) young, immature e.g. what a big little boy you are small children Synonym: little 8. have fine or very small constituent partic...
Synonym of little Small science Small (archaic) Slender, gracefully slim. Small That is small the manufactured size. I'll have a small coffee, thanks. Small In a small fashion Small In or into small pieces. Small (obsolete) To a small extent. Small (obsolete) In a low tone; softly. ...
The meaning of SMALL is having comparatively little size or slight dimensions. How to use small in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Small.
Synonym Study Seelittle. Smaller, less indicate a diminution, or not so large a size or quantity in some respect. Smaller, as applied to concrete objects, is used with reference to size: smaller apples. Less is used of material in bulk, with reference to amount, and in cases where attrib...
As a result of increasingly aggressive vaccination programs carried out over a period of about 200 years, smallpox is now extinct. Synonym(s): variola major, variola [E. small pocks, or pustules] Smallpox was a universally dreaded scourge for more than 3 millennia, with case fatality ...
Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> triviality trivia trifle small potatoes nonsense minutia froth frivolity something or... two bits chicken feed peanut a small or tr... small change noun Synonyms for small change Roget's WordNet nouna small or trifling amount of money ...
A small space of time Little Very young. Did he tell you any embarrassing stories about when she was little? That's the biggest little boy I've ever seen. Small Synonym of little Small science Little (of a sibling) Younger. This is my little sister. Small (archaic) Slender, gracefully...
Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> touchspeckpinchjottingesoupconmitetotsmall indefin...small inde... noun Synonyms for small indefinite quantity nounan indefinite quantity that is below average size or magnitude Synonyms small indefinite amount Related Words helpi...
He only got a small amount of money after retirement. 退休之后他只拿到了一小笔钱。 According to the schedule, we have to make a few small changes. 根据日程安排,我们需要作些小小的变动。 trivialadj. 微不足道的 〔辨析〕 指不重要、不严重或没有什么价值的。