He likes playing football after school. What's another word for “likes”? A. hates B. dislikes C. enjoys D. avoids 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 C。“likes”表示喜欢,“enjoys”也有喜爱、享受的意思;“hates”是讨厌;“dislikes”是不喜欢;“avoids”是避免。
I go to school by bus. What's another word for "bus"? A. car B. train C. van D. coach 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 D。“coach”也有“公共汽车”的意思。选项 A“car”是“小汽车”,选项 B“train”是“火车”,选项 C“van”是“厢式货车”,都不符合。
( )1.Another word for bike is ___.A.car B.bicycle C.bus( )2.Sixty___makes an hour.A.miles B.seconds C.minutes( )3.--How far is it from the school to the bank?--It's___.A.three miles B.twenty minutes C.far away( )4.__How do you get to school?--___A.I'm fine...
完整word版课文原文 Unit 1 Another School Year-What For2篇 Unit 1: Another School Year – What For? Part 1: 又一个学年开始了。对于许多学生来说,新学年意味着新的开始,新的机会,以及学习新知识的机会。但是,很多学生对于为什么要上学感到困惑。他们想知道这一切到底是为了什么。 首先,我们必须意识到上学...
Retreat on Fishhawk Lake Photo by Gayle Rich-Boxman As much of our population of Boomers ages, this word comes up often in conversations, in both personal friendships as well as with clients. When?Will you??What do you intend to do IN retirement, i.e., what does the rest of your lif...
I go to school in a car. What's another word for "car"? A. vehicle B. bus C. train D. bicycle 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 A。“vehicle”是“车辆”,“car”是一种车辆。选项 B“bus”是“公共汽车”,选项 C“train”是“火车”,选项 D“bicycle”是“自行车”,都不符合。
1.anotherschoolyear---whatfor同步练习 anotherschoolyearwhatfor同步练习 摘要 another school year what for同步练习答案 他开始时专门画鸟,后来又专门写关于鸟类的文章。 (to specialize in) 我们已完成了工程的一半,但现在却在停工待料 another for year_what for第二部分用了什么论证方法 .another school ...
It was time to introduce the calculus. With the help from Audrey WeeksCalculus in Motionfiles for Geometer’s Sketchpad, we watched the shapes being generated from one side of the circle to another using squares vs. semi-circles. It was easy to visualize the sides of the square going from...
Unit1AnotherSchool Year ---——WhatFor? John Ciardi 1.Let me tell you one of the earliest disasters in my career as a teacher。It was January of 1940 andIwas fresh out of graduate school starting my first semester at the University of Kansas City.Part of the student body was a beanpole...
Unit 1 Another school year---what for? 又是一个新学年——为什么上大学? 约翰查尔迪 首先,给大家讲讲我教书生涯刚开始的时候经历过的一次失败吧。那是在1940年的一月,我当时研究生刚毕业,开始在堪萨斯市大学教书。我的学生中有个瘦高个儿,活像个长着头发的扁豆架支杆。他走进课堂,坐了下来,双手在胸前交叉...