Create a fishing game requiring no live bait. Attach a magnet to the end of a string on a stick for a fishing pole. Glue magnets onto plastic fish and float them in a shallow wading pool. If the player hooks a fish with the magnet on the end of his pole, he wins a prize. Put ...
Write a short eulogy for the fish. If children involved in the funeral are of school age, you can get their input about what to write. It can be as simple as, “Charlie was a good fish and we loved him very much. Rest in peace, Charlie.” Place the fish on a paper towel to ca...
The National Inquiry Service Centre (NISC) and The South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB), Grahamstown Hubbs CL, Lagler KF (1964) Fishes of the Great Lakes region. Bull Cranbrook Inst Sci 26:1–213 Google Scholar Kuo SR, Shao KT (1999) Species composition of fish in ...
fish, sometimes swimming nearly 25 miles per hour, before encircling a school of fish. As the pod keeps tight control of the fish, individual dolphins will swim into the school and take turns eating. Dolphins will also chase fish into shallow water. This is called corraling, and it helps ...
of the river. When the eggs hatch, the baby crocodiles enter the river en masse, where they join their mothers until they reach maturity. The river's rich soil is very fertile, offering an ideal place for native plant species to grow. Students can write or give a report on their ...
Aquaculture Park located east of Sarasota believes it is paving the way for large scale red snapper farming by learning how to raise the fish successfully while learning from mistakes. To resolve pollution concerns, the park has implemented a closed water system that recycles the water used in ...
Children become quickly engaged when learning about swamp animals, muddy habitats and plant life as they study the habitat of the swamp. Units on swamp habitats are usually taught during elementary school, along with the study of other habitats and biomes. Making a diorama is one way for a st...
Featuring monthly themes for toddler classrooms is an excellent way to celebrate new seasons and holidays. Some toddlers begin to understand the meaning of holidays, events or even months as early as age 2. You can create themed parties, bulletin boards
Consider what the parents at your school will expect. If nearly all the other teachers at your school serves appetizers and heavier meal items, then you may want to do the same. If the majority of the teachers at your school serve light snacks or no snacks at all, opt for a lighter ...