Past tense for to draw attention to something, usually by waving it “Whenever anyone approached them, he wouldflourishhis sword and swear like a pirate.” See Also What is the opposite of flourished? Sentences with the word flourished
Past participle for to move awkwardly or with difficulty, typically in an upward direction “As soon as one crab starts toclimbout of the pot, the others grab it and drag it back down.” Find more words! Another word forOpposite ofMeaning ofRhymes withSentences withFind word formsTranslate ...
aPower is a key figure of merit in energy conversion systems and portrays the rate at which energy is produced, where the current density and potential are simply multiplied together 供给动力是一个关键优值在能量转换系统并且刻画能量导致的率,电流密度和潜力一起的地方简单地被倍增[translate] ...
× is multiplied by 乘號 ÷ is divided by 除號 = is equal to 等於 ≠ is not equal to 不等於 ≡ is equivalent to 全等 ≌ is equal to or approximately equal to 等於、約等於 ≈ is approximately equal to 約等於 < is less than 小於 > is more than 大於 ≤ is less than or...
One measure of the value of a company, at least as far as investors are concerned, is the product of the number of outstanding shares multiplied by the share price. This value is called the capitalization of the company. 3. A Stock Exchange If I am a private citizen who owns a restaura...
It was coming consistently every 5 minutes and coming so strong. It felt like my worst menstrual pain multiplied by 1million. It was intense but I refused to cry. I winced, squirmed, grimaced, groaned but never shed a tear. At the hospital, I was taken to triage and registered (interna...
. That Romero adheres to this view is shown by his defining theWorldas “the composition of all actual events and processes” ─ the weasel word being ‘actual’. Hopefully, not allpossibleevents are alsoactual; for if they were/are there is “nothing new under the sun” and as far as...
Select all your target cells that should be multiplied by the multiplier. Copy & paste the following code into a new module (here is how to do that). Adjust the macro slightly: Type the reference to the multiplier (instead of “C6” here). Also, if you want to use a different method...
aFor this scene I have prepared some new grass and wheat models. I have used the basic edit poly techniques to achieve the final effect. Below you can see the rough geometry. I started with a single strand, one leaf and some seeds. I placed them by hand and multiplied using the Advanc...
Word Problems and Linear Equations:Linear Equations help to formulate mathematical expressions for a problem that is given in words. They describe the relationship between two or more variables and can be solved to find the numerical values of the variables satisfying t...