The Galdeans, led by Field Marshal Dlorn, defeated the darklings at the Crimson Fields and now head south, for word has come that the Black Imelin has turned his aim toward Meisthelm. With the army of the Hierarchy engaged far to the south, Dlorn and his Galdeans are the only forc...
In subsequent communications between senior Canadian officials and Trump advisers, this list of topics has come up again and again, making it hard for the Canadian government to dismiss them. So, in this topsy-turvy new world, Canada and Denmark are our sworn enemies, while authoritarian countrie...
Do you have a safe word? Do you have a word that you hold onto in your heart, on the tip of your tongue, but never whispered for it to stop? I want to know what that word is. I want an inspirational safe word to catapult my first official novel into the erotic world and I wan...
Unfortunately, it was only hot drinks and by then I was warmed up. They also had the heat up so high that even Boris (who has been rather cold on this trip) said he would rather sit outside. Photo ©Jean Janssen. At the Nordkapp (North Cape) Visitors Center, Norway I was going...
*A word about the harusame – although it’s texture/taste is similar to other types of glass noodles, the Japanese harusame is made in a slightly flat, broad shape like linguine so the resulting texture is the most ideal for mizutaki. However, it is much more expensive than the other...
The measurement and management of the development process is a means to ensure the achievements of the research, so it is one of the hot topics for practice communities and academic communities. Because IT service domain will have the potential growth at value of output, it is the main ...
For the last several months I have been commenting at several different websites on various topics; mostly religious themes; Creation vs. Evolution, Abortion, Same Sex Marriage; that sort of thing. I comment from the perspective of a life-long Christian raised in the Baptist church, mainstream...
We then spring to India and from them straight to the Arabs and the logistic origins of the word zero before being served up the first major error in the book. Our authors tell us: By the 9th century A.D., the Indians had made a conceptual leap that ranks as one of the most ...
(£)GoFTP Answers: An open Q&A on topics of your choice. K. Now we want tochange Currency. com have generously sponsored dedicated servers and web hosting to ensure a reliable and scalable dedicated hosting solution for BigResource. That, says the U. Моментальныйобме...
Those to whom you are generous will be praising God for you, see 9:13-14. If you are a pastor, preacher, church leader, or anyone who teaches the word of God from these two chapters, please do not take these verses out of context. This is not about making your church budget, it...