Growing up, when talking to or about other women, I heard this phrase for some of them over and over again. My friend Presca, in college, who had and still has great style. My friend Betsy, who I studied abroad with, ditto. My friend Becca, also great style. But I have lots of ...
Every time I see the phrase “revenge porn” it hits a kind of berserk button inside me. I am writing this post to save myself having to have the same bloody rant every time it pops up: automating my own fury as it were, because I doubt the phrase is going to go away any time ...
For those who may not know, just four years ago at the age of nine, Emma, who has been nonverbal since she was two years old, typed words on a keyboard for the first time, my hand lightly supporting hers. We got to really know our daughter for the first time and quickly discovered...
What works for me may not work for you, but if you’d like to write faster or are having trouble finishing your novel, why not give it a try. The Zero Draft Frees You Though I didn’t use the phrase Zero Draft, for all the books I’ve published, both fiction and non-fiction, ...
It should be concise and descriptive. For example, the phrase, “An investigation of . . .” could be omitted. Often titles are stated in terms of a functional relationship, because such titles clearly indicate the independent and dependent variables. However, if possible, think of an informati...
multiculturalism toracial categories, and geographical diversity to anarrow nationalism.Should anyone doubt that the categories are racial and political I refer them to Newsweek magazine which coined the term“the browning of America”to refer to recent immigration trends, a phrase the New York Times...
hot winds blowing sand everywhere, in my eyes, my hair, my ears. And the water, not enough for our thirsty world, the color of chocolate milk, churning over boulders the size of small cars, so cold it takes my breath away. Wispy green tamarisks ...
Given the chaos and intense concern of the current environment, I was curious if anything unusual is being imposed. So I went looking at awards issued in recent weeks (any time after 1/20/2025) for two of my favorite ICs. I’m really just spot checking here but if you go in reporter...
The phrase used by Vorgrimler, that of a “duty of celibacy,” is entirely misleading; §29 of Lumen Gentium speaks of a “law of celibacy,” not of a “duty.” This is not mere quibbling: such a misreading reveals a certain lack of reflection upon the relation of major orders to...
5. Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent. 6. Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous. Politics and the English Language — Orwell Nevermind — Cohen REFERENCE Orwell, G. (1946). ...