It was the dichotomy I wanted. Listening to Southern American boys in Southern France helps me connect the dots. “Take the time to waste a moment.” The morning began as peaceful as the night ended. The galley was quiet and the water was undisturbed. I poured a cup of coffee. “Croiss...
Our authors want to set up a false Descartes Newton dichotomy in the shape of the Earth dispute: With the fall of the Anglo-French Alliance in 1731, tensions across the Channel heated up, as did the scientific debate. Take Newton’s claim that the Earth is flat. Well, not flat flat, ...
dichotomy difference discordance dissonance inaptness irreconcilability paradox strangeness extraneousness mismatch oddness unsuitableness lack of harmony surreality conflict clash jarring discord divergence dissimilarity unlikeness variance variation disagreement deviation lack of congruence inequality disproportion opp...
What is another word forambiguity? Needsynonyms for ambiguity? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ The state of being vague and unclear The state of being uncertain Words or sentences open to more than one interpretation, explanation or meaning ...
to a “Present Bag” system to save on Elf labor). But we have decided the “naughty or nice” dichotomy doesn’t really work for us and that an Elf hanging out on the shelf making daily reports to his boss about our activities reeks of prepping us for life in a surveillance state....
. That Romero adheres to this view is shown by his defining theWorldas “the composition of all actual events and processes” ─ the weasel word being ‘actual’. Hopefully, not allpossibleevents are alsoactual; for if they were/are there is “nothing new under the sun” and as far as...
Supremacy was written into the Constitution, it almost cleaved our nation in half in 1861, it made sure that Black people freed from the direct bonds of slavery would be kept in literal and figurative chains for the next 140 years. Then a Black man had to go and get himself elected ...
The friendship resumed its dichotomy of undiluted honesty on the page and restraint in person. He tells me that he loves me, but he never says it to my face. I love him back, though I’ve never told him so directly. Do the words mean less when they are read instead of spoken? I ...
Trouble is, there are good reasons to not let Microsoft update machines running its operating system at will. Updates sometimes break things, which isn’t good for those who use their computers for more than surfing, email, and occasionally, some word processing. ...
The false us and them dichotomy has fallen by the wayside. We are no longer in a realm of the healthy and fully human versus the sickly and inferior subhuman. Such unproven leaps of judgment are not permitted. Triumph by the elimination of chance is not an option. We’ve dispensed with ...