Content you might like 9Upvotes 48 Comments 2 Comments 27Upvotes Director of ITinMiscellaneous10 days ago It has been quite a while since I've owned significant volume/inventory responsibilities. It's a false dichotomy. Both are needed for diffe...
How You Can Make Informed Decisions Since there is no such thing as a pill that is completely safe, including aspirin, consumers have to accept the dichotomy (一分为二) that the same medicines that extend and enhance our lives may hurt us; some of them may merely have minor side effects...
An observable, real-world example of this Intuitive versus Observant dichotomy might be whether or not someone frequently switches phone service providers. Whereas an Observant person might not want to spend the time constantly optimizing things, an Intuitive person might be willing to shake things up...
George or Dennis, do you have any thoughts to add about the appeal of gospel music to folks that didn't maybe come from that space? Bailey: I feel that we're displaying a dichotomy of humanity that people forget exists in gospel music. We're still human. We still trying t...
This entire argument rests on a false dichotomy. If I understand what you are saying, you argue that the effect of donating $5 to stop Malaria is better than the effect of choosing not to consume $5 worth of cow's milk. If so, it's a ridiculous argument. That $5 you would oth...
George or Dennis, do you have any thoughts to add about the appeal of gospel music to folks that didn't maybe come from that space? Bailey: I feel that we're displaying a dichotomy of humanity that people forget exists in gospel music. We're still human. We still trying to go hit ...
Very insightful and useful to decipher extrovert -introvert dichotomy. Most of the stats given here can easily be applied, such as conversation starters, or approaching people. What this means is that we can observe how people interact and make a judgement of extroversion based on their social ...
that you just aren't smart enough for this stuff. Some courses are aware of this dichotomy, and will include opportunities for unguided learning. Things like stretch goals, thought experiments, and challenging exercises. I wish these types of resources were more common! Let's look at some ...
"There's a real dichotomy here," Weinstein said. "Where do we end up? Maybe where we are right now," he added. — Greg Iacurci Retail Thomas Barwick | Digitalvision | Getty Images Tax cuts may boost consumers' discretionary income, which would be a boon for companies selling co...
The successful integration of Jews within the American social fabric brought about the end of the dichotomy in which one was either Jewish or not Jewish. Such a binary world perhaps existed long ago, but not today. There exist instead endless nuances concerning who is feeling (and/or counted)...