Sentences with the word paper Words that rhyme with paper What is the past tense of paper? What is the plural of paper? What is the adverb for paper? What is the adjective for paper? What is the noun for paper? Translations for paper ...
Many of their movies show scenes in which th e actors chas e each other in cars, in airplanes or on foot."Cut" is th e director's word for stop. Th e director means to stop filming, leav e out som e material and get to th e chas e scen e now.So, if your boss tells...
In other words, it will be AIs that do things like writing articles for journals, flying airplanes, and work in legal and medical practices (which they can already do to a limited extent), leaving work like scrubbing toilets and dusting shelves to humans (which robots are still pathetic at)...
He developed a passion for airplanes and models at a young age and remembers his first drawing being that of an airplane and imagining what it was like to be inside the machine, to be in control of the machine, the rising and sinking of the air, the way the wind reacts to the shape...
Airplanes and Skype are only accelerating an old process, which has been global for a while. When your world is art, as mine is, the acceleration is very palpable, because we have (since about 1970) inhabited an exhibition culture. Artworks are now supposed to move; some are made to mov...
Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them. So then I chose another profession, and learned to pilot airplanes. I have flown a little over all parts of the world; and it is true ...
The Galdeans, led by Field Marshal Dlorn, defeated the darklings at the Crimson Fields and now head south, for word has come that the Black Imelin has turned his aim toward Meisthelm. With the army of the Hierarchy engaged far to the south, Dlorn and his Galdeans are the only forc...
Imagine if you will, Japanese Americans parading down Broadway in Manhattan, New York City, on December 8, 1941, waving Rising Sun flags and criticizing the US for shooting down its airplanes over Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Let that sink in. Picture it. That is Schrodinger’s Imper...
around, drop it on the opposite corner, they will stretch even farther. Keep this up and without a hammer or crowbar or any tool at all, you can ‘Rack’ something apart with your bare hands; crates, furniture, doors, sheds, barns, houses, boats, ships, airplanes, buildings or people....
In three and one-half years in that unit, I served with soldiers of color, jumped out of airplanes with them, marched, bivouacked, played lunchtime basketball, and socialized with them. I even had a great game of basketball with the one who called me “cracker.” I learned that sports ...