Related: Deplaning.emplane (v.) "to go or put on board an airplane," 1923, from em- (1) + plane (n.2).explain (v.) early 15c., explanen, "make (something) clear in the mind, to make intelligible," from Latin explanare "to explain, make clear, make plain," etymologically "...
Kate Erbland, IndieWire, 1 Jan. 2025 From natural disasters that again left communities reeling to a small plane crash in the middle of one of the busiest thoroughfares in St. Matthews. Staff, The Courier-Journal, 31 Dec. 2024 Definition of plane Articles Related to airplane Up...
Synonyms for PLANE: airplane, aeroplane, airliner, aircraft, ship, airship, jet, bomber; Antonyms of PLANE: rough, coarse, bumpy, uneven, lumpy, warped, irregular, wavy
But getting there was a pain. The airport was so crowded because of flight delays. We tried to check in at a kiosk but the machines were down. So, we stood in line for 45 minutes just to pick up the tickets. Oh no! Then, ou...
window seat in a plane 1 More Example posto corridoio masculine (p) aisle seat Preferisco un posto corridoio. I prefer an aisle seat. 1 More Example cappelliera feminine (n) overhead storage compartment cappelliera vuota empty overhead storage compartment 1 More Example dispositivo galleggiante ...
Related Story Here’s How I Became a Domme Daddy to a Foot Guy Venus Butterfly(technique):A sex act that involves both oral stimulation of the genitalia (cunnilingus) and manual stimulation (fingering) at the same time. Vers:This stands for “versatile” and refers to those who enjoy bein...
This refers to the smaller bag that you have taken with you onto the plane. Now it’s time to sit back and relax, or if you’re me, fall asleep. Once you land, you need to find your luggage at the baggage claim area. The baggage carousel is the long moving circle that has many...
Mister Tyler is not tired because he had a good sleep on the plane. Mister Taylor sometimes suffers from that leg. Work with a partner and do the two tasks. Ask and answer questions about three people according to the table. Where is Mike Harris from his farm? Where does he live? He...
As a noun, from 1570s, "straight line drawn from one angle to or through another not adjacent, in a plane or solid figure." In chess, "a line of squares running diagonally across a board." geniculate(adj.) "having knots or joints; bent like a knee," 1660s, from Latingeniculatus"...
To check in means "to report to someone when you arrive at a place to let them know you are there." When we check in at a kiosk, the machine gives us a plane ticket. When we check in at a hotel, someone gives us a room key. ...