The woman (I know her name, but I’m not going to tell you) with her long hair and lithe body, followed me everywhere. I went up to see my mother, this woman in tow, and saw Mum in her bathroom, one of my little cousins playing in Mum’s bed. “Mum.” There she was. My ...
As the name implies, the flaps also act like a “catcher”. They stop the snacks inside the bowl from falling out should your toddler decide to rattle it about. Anyway, enough about snack catchers. Let’s get back to cookies. Because these cookies were for the most part healthy, i do...
That’d be a great name for a band, wouldn’t it? Anyway, been a long time between drinks around here but in the interests of keeping this going, I posted this on my personal Facebook and people seemed to like it so thought I’d share with anyone hanging around this place. The ide...
The name Jesus in Hebrew is Yeshua. It comes from the personal name for God in Hebrew, Yahweh, and the word for “to save” or “to deliver,” yasha. Yeshua therefore means “God saves,”“God delivers,” or “God helps.” Jesus’s name points to his role and the primary reason f...
Standing at 1,265 ft tall with a profile that was essentially two lopsided ovals joined at one end, it was famously at this juncture (9 September 1996) that Guardian journalist Elizabeth Pickering quoted it as “London’s £550m erotic gherkin”, a name that has stuck, much to the ...
14I used to say no, that’s justpopular psychology. I saw a therapist in early high school, but that didn’t really help me. I’m not really sure why I met with her. During my time in Isreal, I met with a therapist for a while, Haiah was her name. In the beginning, I made...
name itself times human action above it's week free company hands example show local history whether gave either act today feet death past body across quite taken anything word seen having field car experience really money words class already tell information college together themselves sure making ...