If you notice anything strange in your mouth, such as a gum boil or a bump that looks like a pimple, it's a good idea to have it checked out by a dentist.
A gum boil is medically called as Parulus or abscess. It is an itchy fluid that fills like a bump and appears to be painful on the gums. What Are Gum Boils? Gum boils, also known as a parulus, are drainage points for abscesses in the roots of teeth. When the nerve of a tooth ...
A sweet colour or complexion Sweet An intensifier. Sweet Used as a positive response to good news or information. They're making a sequel? Ah, sweet! Sweet In a sweet manner. Sweet (uncountable) The basic taste sensation induced by sugar. Sweet A confection made from sugar, or high in ...
Cornstarch, also called maize starch or corn flour in the U.S., is the starch found in corn grains. It is a fine, white powder made from the endosperm or the starchy part of corn kernels. It's created when the hard outer shells ofcornkernels are separated from the starchy endosperm a...
Stepped in gum? Save your soles with WD-40. Soak the gum with WD-40, then wait for a minute or two, and the gum will peel away from your shoes easily. 10. Water Repellent Use WD-40 as a Rain-X type coating on your glass shower doors. All you need is a thin layer, and the...
Hot off the shelves, shoppers can enjoy Aldi’s Aperini Bitter Orange Gin Liqueur, available in-stores and online now for just £8.99. Bright orange in colour, this mouth-watering gin liqueur is refreshing yet sharp and offers a bitter-sweet taste with notes of juniper. For a classic It...