$appRole = $awseaid.approles | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -eq "User" } $awsgroups = Get-AzureADGroup -All $true | Where-Object {($_.DisplayName -like "AWS*") -and ($_.DisplayName -notlike "*root") } $awseagroups=Get-AzureADServiceAppRoleAssignment -ObjectId $awseaid.Obj...
In the last project I’ve worked on, I needed to install any kind of ACL to allow certain methods to be accessed only by some user roles, like website administration, etc. I’m building this website on Code Igniter, so I missed some related features that are available in other PHP fr...
Enable: Let Windows apps make phone calls Close gpedit In the same command prompt as admin: Type> regedit Goto>Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\AppPrivacy Set LetAppsAccessPhone to "1" Close regedit Close Command Prompt. Lastly make ...
由于最近换了工作,到职听说可能要接手以前的BDD(商业桌面部署系统)而这个BDD系统也是公司自己进行了很大的定制化的,估计修改了很多脚本,因此开始研究MDT.以及BDD的一些机理,但是自己访问Windows Deployment Guys都是通过RSS订阅的,因为换计算机等原因,以前订阅的RSS项目没有积累下来,想找以前的文章还要跑到官方blog上去找,...
Guess the Word in Windows Forms GUID format change when converted from a string Guidelines for throwing exceptions in property setters GZipStream woes... hackearth-exercise-very-difficult-to-AND Operator Handle exception like for each in lambda expression query Handle Global exception in Console Appl...
Looks like your doing message tracking. From that I think it may be "ThunderFormDC" for the class name but you also have a dialog form/box "#32770" that could be too. i dont know the structure that your seeing so hard to tell. Try going to Search > Find Window. Then click and...
Here goes another set of libraries to help out. Separated into a few assemblies to avoid loading too much stuff in your app. - sandrock/SrkToolkit
“tile”. A tile is much more than an icon. In the very base case, a tile is like an icon, but to you as an Windows Phone application publisher, the tile can become much, much more. The intent of a tile is to provide information to the user, not jus...
‘waif like’ arrows and x’s and there doesn’t appear to be any reason for this. Plus on the tablet, the controls are all at the top. Great. Unreachable. And the interface is always on display rather than tucking away like in the metro app. Between the toolbar, the address bar,...
they saw. I didn’t teach them how to integrate – just how to set up the integrals. There are sites on the Internet that will do the integration like theDefinite Integral Calculatorand I think it is more important to know how to set them up and take the mystery out of the notation!