While working with Microsoft Office applications (MS Word,MS PowerPoint,MS Excel) you may encounter “The file is used by another application or user” error message. If you are seeing this error message on your computer you will not be able to save the file is normal .docx format unless ...
Excel stops working about every 20 minutes for a few minutes -I just have to wait - and then this message pops up: ""microsoft excel waiting for another application to complete an ole action". Thereafter it works again, I can save etc., but it is highly interruptive and annoyi...
$appRole = $awseaid.approles | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -eq "User" } $awsgroups = Get-AzureADGroup -All $true | Where-Object {($_.DisplayName -like "AWS*") -and ($_.DisplayName -notlike "*root") } $awseagroups=Get-AzureADServiceAppRoleAssignment -ObjectId $awseaid.Obj...
Suspecting recent microsoft update cause this issue. Count increment inside Parallel For loop count word without space in C# Coversion from filestream to memorystream slow CRC 32 Function in C# CRC check for Serial Port communication Create .csv MailMessage Attachment from List<String> Create .sln...
Like any other software, Excel is not immune to corruption or occasional hiccups. One frustrating message users encounter is- “Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete an ole action.” It appears when trying to open the Excel workbook but the response does not arrive within...
参考了http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms632611(VS.85).aspx typedef struct tagWINDOWPLACEMENT { UINT length; UINT flags; UINT showCmd; POINT ptMinPosition; POINT ptMaxPosition; RECT rcNormalPosition; } WINDOWPLACEMENT, *PWINDOWPLACEMENT, *LPWINDOWPLACEMENT; ...
Set wrdApp = Nothing End Sub 逐行說明 宣告一個物件變數 wrdApp 令物件變數 wrdApp = 建立的Word應用程式物件 令物件變數 wrdDoc = 指定的Word文件檔案 引用該 Word 文件的第一個表格 對該表格的每一列做迴圈, 變數 r 為列號 對每一列的每一欄做迴圈, 變數 c 為欄號 ...
C# and using Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices C# and WPF, what's the difference? C# app can't find DLL in the same directory? c# app.config duplicate keys C# application configuration is corrupted C# application exiting with exit code -1073740791 (0xc0000409) c# Application for monitoring network...
Icons are everywhere. Literallyeverywhere. They have become as mainstream as apple pie and any time we’re in front of a computer or other digital device, chances are you’re launching an app through an icon. But what if there was a better way?
i can't winget upgrade them (wingen't upgrade). the thunderbirds are my problem. i f*ed up my windows 10. next pc won't have this problem. what really is strange is that microsoft doesn't have control on it's own products like i said these Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable OR MS...