这也是小型品牌的特长所在——Anordain明白,优秀的盘面是吸引新粉丝的关键。每一只新配色的Anordain都能让人仔细品味其盘面细节。目前,Anordain接受登记的表款只剩部分Model 1(玻璃珐琅)和Model 1 fumé(烟熏珐琅),且预计等待时间相当长。所有表款都处于机芯换代的过程中,由Sellita机芯改为La Joux Perret机芯,官方价格...
今天的主角是来自苏格兰格拉斯哥的anOrdain,一个将现代设计与传统工艺完美结合的品牌。 说到珐琅表,很多人可能会想到那些经典而传统的设计,比如宝玑5177。但anOrdain却希望打破这种传统,为珐琅表注入新的活力。他们的表盘采用大胆而鲜艳的色彩,如草绿、湖蓝、明黄、紫罗兰等,让人一眼难忘。表盘和表针的设计灵感来源于老式...
这应该是数一数二难预定到的micro brand了吧。号称每周只能做3-5支珐琅表盘,废品率极高。珐琅表盘...
The anOrdain Model 1 Precious Metal series are made in a numbered batch of 50 each. Priced at $1,250, the watches come mounted to German-made straps, and are protected by gorgeous German-made suede travel cases. Watches will ship by late August. ...
anOrdain in the press "Clean design, vintage cues, and an enamel dial set this newcomer apart." - Stephen Pulvirent, Hodinkee Browse articles Country/regionAfghanistan (AFN ؋)Åland Islands (EUR €)Albania (ALL)Algeria (DZD)Andorra (EUR €)Angola (GBP £)Anguilla (XCD $)Antigua & ...
整整2年的等待,终于迎来了anOrdain 12040 4 只看楼主 kirkwang 楼主 白银表友 认证表主 2025-01-28 21:54 这应该是数一数二难预定到的micro brand了吧。号称每周只能做3-5支珐琅表盘,废品率极高。珐琅表盘确实好看。但卖3850美刀,价格属实有点贵了。而且动辄两年的等待期,不知道品牌下一步的方向往哪里...
Independent watchmakers are continuing their meteoric rise, and few have shot up faster in recent years than Glasgow-based anOrdain whose artisan enamel dials are catnip to expert collectors.
anOrdain, a star among the independent watchmakers’ firmament, has expanded its popular Model 2 family with the option of a larger 39.5mm case size and a range of new colours for its signature hand-enamelled dials. The Scottish business, based in Glasgow, first launched the s...
My Watch StoryCommemorating A Trip To Japan With A Vintage Seiko, A Pianist's Unique Anordain, Fulfilling The Rolex Dream, And More Five video stories from HODINKEE readers. HODINKEE July 01, 2020 17 Each and every Wednesday, we present a fresh installment of "My Watch Story," a video ser...