The anOrdain Model 1 Precious Metal series are made in a numbered batch of 50 each. Priced at $1,250, the watches come mounted to German-made straps, and are protected by gorgeous German-made suede travel cases. Watches will ship by late August. ...
每一只新配色的Anordain都能让人仔细品味其盘面细节。目前,Anordain接受登记的表款只剩部分Model 1(玻璃珐琅)和Model 1 fumé(烟熏珐琅),且预计等待时间相当长。所有表款都处于机芯换代的过程中,由Sellita机芯改为La Joux Perret机芯,官方价格从£1225到£2100不等。如果你想欣赏更多Anordain的表款,或者对这个品牌的...
"Words fail at describing the Iron Cream Model 1 that arrived yesterday. One simply has to see this watch." Read more anOrdain in the press "Clean design, vintage cues, and an enamel dial set this newcomer apart." - Stephen Pulvirent, Hodinkee ...
anOrdaine’s Model 1. anOrdaine says it can only make around 200 of the Model 2s per year because of the time it takes to make the hand-enameled dials. For the whole company, the anOrdain’s team of in-house enamelers produces fewer than 50 dials per month. anOrdain’s two signatures...
Steve Holness And His Anordain Model 1 Steve is a pianist from London who's played with the likes of Adele and Amy Winehouse. His Anordain is one of eight of the limited edition "Run Out" model from the independent Glasgow-based watchmaker. When he found it difficult to tell the time on...
英国钟表品牌Anordain推出Model 1 Fumé。 Model 1 Fumé的特色是烤制法郎表盘,刻度为渐变色。个人认为这是该品牌至今最美的一款了,而且价格也亲民。 表盘制作:银质表盘前半部分略呈圆顶状,经捶形成可见纹理,它覆盖有半透明的搪瓷,然后在烤箱中烧制以融化搪瓷并将其融合到银色底座上。再将搪瓷打磨以形成平坦的表面,此...
anordain1.9KVOL: 8,400$4.61anordain watches806VOL: 4,830$2.23anordain model 1401VOL: 790$2.44anordain model one in japanese oxblood202VOL: 40$--what is flame bluing equipment used for170VOL: --$--86 その他他のブログをみる 総キーワード91 ...