They also attract pollinators and other beneficial insects. They take a little longer to bloom, about three months after planting, but they are worth the wait. Poppies have large, colorful flowers and aredrought-tolerant. Sow the seeds in early spring for late-spring flowers that continue all...
When I'm not working or spending time with the family, you can usually find me at a.) the golf course or b.) the backyard taking care of the thousands of flowers, trees and shrubs that I've nurtured for the last twenty years. It's a full-time hobby, and a very rewarding one. ...
depending on their floral coverage and/or the predominant species during the crop bloom period. The concurrence of blooming of the rewarding plantC. officinaliswith the melon crop should be avoided in our area. In the commercial field, the bee visitation rate in the melon flowers decreased with...