Tall flower stems are topped with clusters of blue flowers that almost have a glowing, ultraviolet quality. This makes them very popular with bees. Bluebonnets are drought-tolerant and can thrive in poor and disturbed soil.Slightly alkaline soil is best, but not as important as proper drainage...
Flower strips can increase the abundance and sometimes the diversity of bumble bees at local scales, but the importance of flower strips for bumble bee populations at larger scales remains poorly understood. We investigated the effect of flower strips on bumble bee colony growth and reproduction at...
It forms a delicate carpet of tiny flowers perfect for the front of a landscape bed or as a filler in hanging baskets and containers. Snow Princess® has small white blooms that attract bees and butterflies. It was named a Top Performer by Longwood Gardens and various universities. Read ...
We also measured Clarkia floral density along the transects in the afternoon by placing a ½m2 quadrat on either side of the transect at four-meter intervals along the transects and recording the number of open flowers of each Clarkia species in the quadrats. After collection, bees were ...
It flowers in spring and summer, and its blooms are either white, blue, purple, or pink, depending on the cultivar. All colors are very attractive to pollinators. Bees love rosemary flowers. In its native habitat of the Mediterranean ortemperateclimates, rosemary can flower all year round. ...
If you want bees in your garden, try growing someconeflowers. The bees will love to feast on those mounds of orange that sit atop the bright pink petals. Be sure to leave the flower heads in the fall, too. The winter birds love them!
The fragrant sage repels bugs and pests while its bright flowers attract monarch butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. When To Plant:In the early spring after the threat of the last frost is over Mature Size:2 to 3 feet tall Flowering:Dark blue, light blue, white, and purple flowers from...
Flowers are excellent for cutting, and will attract bees, butterflies and birds. Cutting seed heads leads to maximum bloom. Consider leaving a few seedheads for the birds to eat, especially late in the season. Easy to grow, low maintenance plants. Shipping Information U.S. Shipping Rates ...
So you’ll need to add them to your list for ordering later in the season. Crocus are one of the earliest blooms to break through the snow crust in late winter. And many of them are a delightful purple hue with enough fragrance to lure bees out of hibernation. Crocus corms should be...
Rudbeckias, also known as coneflowers or black-eyed Susan, are a gardener's delight. They are easy and rarely troubled by pests or disease, bloom from July to November and are an important source of nectar for pollinating insects, especially bees andbutterflies. Wild rudbeckias are native to...