We will establish and appoint Division Officer (re-branding from existing Division Head) who will lead respective division operations, together with TEL group employees globally to achieve Medium-term Management Plan. Division officer is responsible for respective division’s global operations for our su...
Employee monitoring announcements are a great way to keep the monitoring process as transparent as employees work. They educate employees about the implementation of employee monitoring software.
For example, if a new work-from-home policy is introduced, discuss how it can lead to better work-life balance or enhanced productivity. Highlighting these benefits can help motivate employees to read through and adhere to the new policies. Conclude the announcement by encouraging direct engagement...
It has been an absolute delight to visit the Trifast operations and meet our wonderful people. I have yet to meet everyone; however, what is obvious from those I have met, is that our employees are dedicated to delivering excellence to our customers and are passionate about the business, wh...
New Position Announcement Sample Dear employees, This is to inform you all that as per the requirement and necessity of work, we are announcing a new position in our organization. This is to hire a ‘Consultant’ for the study of cases and to resolve them with their wise wits. ...
employees, representatives, agents and each person who controls the Bank, the Branch Issuers, a Joint Lead Manager, an Agent or their respective affiliates or advisors accepts any liability or responsibility whatsoever in respect of any discrepancies between the document distributed to you in electronic...
Moreover, it adheres to the core values of customer orientation, integrity, innovation, collaboration and excellence, and assumes missions to create value for customers, seek happiness for employees, make profit for shareholders and perform responsibility for society. It upheld and actively disse...
new employee, announce the employee’s name, his department, where he will be working, and invite employees to welcome him. If you are having a welcome lunch or other event, include information about that event in the first paragraph. In the following sections, offer more information about ...
Statethematterinthefirstlineoftheletterbodyorinthefirstparagraphoftheletter.Specifythebackground,details,explanationsorqualifications.Iftheeventintendstomotivateactions,youcanprovidethisinformationinthelastparagraph.Noticeandannouncementcanbedirectedtopeopleoutsidecompaniesortoemployeesinside.Simplenotice 1NOTICEOFMEETING|...
Social Responsibilities With a high sense of social responsibility, the Group implements the ecological development concept of "low carbon flight and protect environment with technology", and makes dedicated efforts to help rural revitalisation and continuously improve t...