R Graphics Cookbook 第七章 Annotations 整理而来。 7.1.添加文本注释 用annotate()和text geom(文字对象):如下: annotate 里面用"text"类型,然后x,y分别代表文本的位置。label的内容是文本的实际内容。 annotate 中的类型 text 文本 rect 阴影矩形 segment 线段 library(ggplot2)# 创建一个图层p<-ggplot(faithful...
Have a look at the following R code and the resulting graphic: ggp+# Add text element to plotannotate("text", x=1.5, y=2.2, label="Text No. 1") As shown in Figure 2, the previous syntax has created a ggplot2 plot with one text element in the middle of the plot. ...
library(Unicode)p.val<-' < 1e-4'italic_p<-u_char_inspect(u_char_from_name("MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL P"))["Char"cairo_pdf('~/Downloads/tmp/test.pdf'height=5,width=8)ggplot(data=controls,aes(x=control_numstatfillcolor='white'+labs(xtitle=(xintercept=47,color='#FF5511')+geom_v...
Change the Y-axis scale label in/out of plot region withrange.position: basic_coverage<-ggcoverage(data=track_df,plot.type="facet",mark.region=mark_region,range.position="in")basic_coverage Shared/Free Y-axis scale withfacet.y.scale: basic_coverage<-ggcoverage(data=track_df,plot.type="fa...
914 Rotating and spacing axis labels in ggplot2 1501 Sort (order) data frame rows by multiple columns 0 Combination of three colors for geom_line() 1 R 3.2.1, reverse colors on map 1 Assigning colors to multiple lines and adding a legend in ggplot 2 ggplot2, geom_text and orde...
GenVisR: genomic visualizations in R. Bioinformatics. 2016;32(19):3012–4. 9. Gel B, Serra E. karyoploteR: an R/Bioconductor package to plot customizable genomes displaying arbitrary data. Bioinformatics. 2017;33(19):3088–90. 10. Wickham H. ggplot2: elegant graphics for data analysis. ...
Example 1: Annotate Bold Text Element to ggplot2 Plot This example illustrates how to draw a bold text element to a ggplot2 graph in R. For this, we have to specify the fontface argument within the annotate function to be equal to “bold”: ...
ggcoverage can generate publication-quality plots and users can customize the plots with ggplot2. In addition, ggcoverage supports the visualization and annotation of protein coverage. Conclusions: ggcoverage provides a flexible, programmable, efficient and user-friendly way to visualize and annotate ...
在使用对数刻度时,如何调整ggplot轴标签的格式? 使用终端时如何去掉行尾的"%“符号 使用包装标签生成贴纸标签时,在LyX中调整空间的问题 如何在Keras中使用ImageDataGenerator调整标签? 如何防止在创建标签时使用onclick? 在Windows上运行Docker脚本时,如何替换"\r“行尾?