Piece of moss Anemone Enchanted to give all the NightWings in the battle of Jade Mountain a telepathic message that seems to come from Darkstalker telling them to retreat.[55] Plants Albatross Enchanted to grow into a canopy that would shield the Summer Palace from being seen from above.[56...
Animus magic is magic wielded by animus dragons that allowed them to enchant inanimate objects, plants, animals, and other dragons to do whatever the animus dragon pleases. Animus dragons have been recorded in five of the seven Pyrrhian tribes, yet none
Wings of Fire 1: The Dragonet Prophecy (July 1, 2012)) Wings of Fire 2: The Lost Heir (January 1, 2013) Wings of Fire 3: The Hidden Kingdom (May 28, 2013) Wings of Fire 4: The Dark Secret (October 29, 2013) Wings of Fire 5: The Brightest Night (March 25, 2014) ...