Animus magic is magic wielded by animus dragons that allowed them to enchant inanimate objects, plants, animals, and other dragons to do whatever the animus dragon pleases. Animus dragons have been recorded in five of the seven Pyrrhian tribes, yet none
Animus enchantments are spells cast by a dragon using animus magic. They are typically cast on objects, although dragons, animals, and plants may be enchanted as well. IceWing gifts are large-scale animus enchantments that are supposed to contribute to t
Dangerous Gift - 25 2021-03-23 22:54:0521:359989 所属专辑:Wings of Fire Series- 火翼飞龙 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 WingsOfSTARWARS 10710 简介:I am Wings of Star Wars ! I am the MOST POWERFUL being in the universe ! MAY the FORCE be with YOU at all times ,and wish you...