TEKKONKINKREET combines the imaginative fantasy and action elements of the best Japanimation with a dark and modern children’s story. A hybrid of cutting-edge 3D CGI technology and traditional Japanese anime, TEKKONKINKREET is unlike anything ever seen before, combining dynamic action, virtuoso visual...
Windowed mode is certainly not an option, not with scenes that can be so... interesting. I have spent some time grinding to get the materials for some items, so it takes a while. I'm too much of a completionist to just rush though it, I want to get everything I possibly can on ...
In the manga, Ken Kaneki continues to fight against Aogiri tree, but in the anime he teams up with them instead. A departure from the source material isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's a major risk that in this case, did not pay off. The season was rushed, confus...
This thread is now the Anime Chat Thread to keep in line with it's progression. old OP: for all the people who don't care to read through the whole post and thread: 1) you don't need to. (lucky you!) 2) feel free to discuss (nearly) all kinds of
but with that said, the 3D visuals of the Captain Harlock movie is second to none with detailed character designs and a world that could rival CGI Final Fantasy films. Captain Harlock looks bad-ass while retaining his iconic look, his pirate ship the Arcadia is as intimidating as ever, the...
other hand, Abunai Sister is a not so great CGi-made anime about not so important issues, like Koko and Mika’s ridiculous breast physics and antagonists who obsess over them. It’s also fluently voiced in English, which is interesting since the dialogue is obviously trenched in Japanese ...
UFOtable, the studio that does the Fate series, is renowned for their stunning visuals. …And a lot of those visuals are CGI. Perhaps it is all sleight of hand. You know, they hide their bad CGI with flash, sizzle, and lens flares. If that is the case, it is working for them. ...
where kids can take their interaction with all the various Tamagotchi families to dynamic new levels. * Dragon Ball Z and Digimon franchises * The debut of BLUE DRAGON action figures From Figures.com DC Direct'sAme-Comi Poison IvySome hilariously badbootleg superheofigures. Gentle Giant’sHellboy...
I never watched it before now, but basically imagine someone mixed Blue’s Clues with Winnie the Pooh, meld in some very basic CGI, and you have this series…and this movie….which isn’t really technically a movie, by the way. It’s more like a 45 minute long special. The show ...
EX-ARM Premier in Japan is Met with Mockery and Disappointment by Majority Audience News When the first EX ARM trailer dropped back in November 2020, it was heavily mocked across the entire internet for just how bad, and that is putting it nicely, it was. Cheap CGI, terrible animation, ...