Animal Cell Culture 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 This new edition of Animal Cell Culture covers new or updated chapters on cell authentication, serum-free culture, apoptosis assays, FISH, genetic modification, scale-up, stem cell assays, 3-dimensional culture, tissue engineering and cytotoxic...
I felt that a methods book covering a wide variety of techniques from basic culture to the most sophisticated cell analysis would be a very valuable addition to the scientific literature. In the interim, several useful books (listed in Chapter I of this volume) did appear, but none entirely ...
R. IAN FRESHNEY, PhD, is an honorary senior research fellow in the Centre for Oncology and Applied Pharmacology, part of the Cancer Research UK Beatson Laboratories at the University of Glasgow. He is the author or editor of numerous books and a world-renowned expert on cell culture technique...
Consequently, I felt that a methods book covering a wide variety of techniques from basic culture to the most sophisticated cell analysis would be a very valuable addition to the scientific literature. In the interim, several useful books (listed in Chapter I of this volume) did appear, but ...
The most complete resource on the techniques, equipment,principles, and practices of animal cell culture Since publication of the previous edition of this benchmark text, numerous groundbreaking advances have occurred in stem cell research, cloning, tissue engineering, and in vitro toxicity testing. Th...
R. IAN FRESHNEY, PhD, is an honorary senior research fellow in the Centre for Oncology and Applied Pharmacology, part of the Cancer Research UK Beatson Laboratories at the University of Glasgow. He is the author or editor of numerous books and a world-renowned expert on cell culture technique...
Animal cell culture is a type of biotechnological technique where animal cells are artificially grown in a favorable environment.
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animal cell culture and technology the basics is available in our book collection an online access to it is set as public so you can get it instantly. Our book servers saves in multiple countries, allowing you to get the most less latency time to download any of our books like this one....
摘要: The article reviews several books in the "Let's Relate to Genetics" series including "Animal Cells: What Makes a Tiger Striped," by Penny Dowdy, "Cells: How are Living Things Built?," by Marina Cohen and "DNA: What Makes You the Person You Are?," by Natalie Hyde....