a few-shot learning framework for multi-animal 3D pose estimation, identity recognition and social behaviour classification. We propose a continuous occlusion copy-and-paste algorithm (COCA) for data augmentation in SBeA, combined with a multiview camera, to achieve multi-animal 3D social pose esti...
While deep learning-based approaches have enabled precise pose estimation, identification and behavioural classification of multi-animals, their application is challenged by the lack of well-annotated datasets. Here we show a computational framework, the Social Behavior Atlas (SBeA) used to overcome ...
Over the past few years, research on animal pose estimation in computer vision field has grown in many aspects such as 2D and 3D pose estimation, 3D mesh reconstruction, andbehaviorprediction. Promoted by deep learning, more and more animal pose estimation tools and animal pose datasets have als...
Realtime multi-person 2D pose estimation using part affinity fields. arXiv Preprint at https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.08050 (2016). Tome, D., Russell, C. & Agapito, L. Lifting from the deep: convolutional 3D pose estimation from a single image. arXiv Preprint at https://arxiv.org/abs/...
3D-MuPPET: 3D Multi-Pigeon Pose Estimation and Tracking Article Open access 07 May 2024 Data availability The data are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. Notes Some of the data in the table comes from reference [20]. Others come from the MMPose open-source platfor...
To mitigate this problem, we propose a coarse-to-fine approach to reconstruct 3D animal mesh from a single image. The coarse estimation stage first estimates the pose, shape and translation parameters of the SMAL model. The estimated meshes are then used as a starting point by a graph ...
We introduce an automatic, end-to-end method for recovering the 3D pose and shape of dogs from monocular internet images. The large variation in shape between dog breeds, significant occlusion and low quality of internet images makes this a challenging problem. We learn ...
AP-10K: A Benchmark for Animal Pose Estimation in the Wild 28 Aug 2021 147 From Synthetic to Real: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Animal Pose Estimation 27 Mar 2021 104 Who Left the Dogs Out? 3D Animal Reconstruction with Expectation Maximization in the Loop 21 Jul 2020 50 APT-36K:...
In the code, we provide 3D support for multi-animal pose estimation (via multi-camera use), plus this multi-animal variant can be integrated with our real-time software, DeepLabCut-Live!28. Another important user input is at the stage of tracking, where users can input how many animals ...
Anipose: a toolkit for robust markerless 3D pose estimation Pierre Karashchuk, Katie L. Rupp, Evyn S. Dickinson, Elischa Sanders,Eiman Azim,Bingni W. Brunton,John C. Tuthill In biorxiv 2020 [Paper][Project] Automatic tracking of mouse social posture dynamics by 3D videography, deep learning...