strings = Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(String.Format("{0}:{1}", user.Name, user.Password))); 这句代码就体现了基础认证加密实现 ,这也就是为什么说basic认证是不安全的,但这不是今天要讨论的问题,我们重在理解这个过程 ,至于加密方式 在过程的基础上都可以加强。 然后再...
通过浏览器访问 第一次认证没有成功 然后就会执行我们上面说的那个 HandleUnauthorizedRequest 方法 之前说到的 hrm.Headers.Add("WWW-Authenticate","Basic"); 这句代码指示浏览器 认证方式为Basic 然后浏览器自动弹出一个登陆窗口并以basic 的方式 加密后每次通过header 传输到服务器进行认证然后得到授权 如图: 到...
The configuration is found atkarma.conf.js. The unit tests are found next to the code they are testing and have a.spec.jssuffix (e.g.view1.spec.js). The easiest way to run the unit tests is to use the supplied npm script:
angular-starter-kit - Angular project template with Prettier, Linter, Git-Hooks and VS Code settings. fractal-boilerplate-lua-angular - Basic Angular & Lua - FiveM Boilerplate: A streamlined starter kit for web and in-game development with hot builds and utility scripts. angular-nestjs-starter...
补充一个 Rx.js 相关的:一个是迭代器辅助方法提案(Stage 3):Iterator Helper 一个是 Observable ...
在代码编辑器中,打开项目文件夹。 在本教程中,你将使用 Visual Studio Code。添加AngularJS 和 ngOfficeUIFabric本教程,你需从 CDN 加载 AngularJS 和 ngOfficeUIFabric。在代码编辑器中,打开 config/config.json 文件,并在 externals 属性中添加以下行:JSON...
1.5 Using AngularJS in Eclipse, Part 4) Create Components 1.6 AngularJS code editor using UI-Bootstrap and CodeMirror (done without using jQuery) 2. KarmaJS 2.1 A small AngularJS Jasmine test executed by KarmaJS 2.2 Creating an Eclipse UI to run AngularJS e2e tests using Karma 2.3...
(SPAs) than many other JavaScript Web frameworks, including its immediate predecessor, AngularJS (formerly known as Angular 1). But these differences are not just the result of open source peevishness at wanting to do it differently just for the sake of doing it differently...
AngularJS was started to fill this basic need. Could we provide a standard structure and meta-framework within which web applications could be developed reliably and quickly? Could the same software engineering concepts like testable code, separation of concerns, MVC (Model-View-Controller) (or rat...
(MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node.js) stack example, look atMEAN.JS. They have documentation and an application generator for a sample MEAN project. You'll need to install and startMongoDB, but you'll quickly have a MEAN application running. VS Code also has greatMongoDB supportthrough the...