It seems like you want to create a cyclic dependency here, since, you want the remote repo to give you code that you can use and then pass other styles that it can access from here. This won't be recommended. It would be great if you can create a separate repo...
38 How to generate UUID with angular 2? 1 Generate v4 UUID from Specific Javascript 0 how to add uuid in logger better way 2 How to convert an UUID String to a Number in React / Typescript 0 how to get unique id of every device in angular 0 How to convert strings to UUID v...
Angular is based on TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing and other features to improve code clarity and maintainability. It uses a component-based architecture, where applications are built by composing small, independent components that can be reused throughout the application...
It would be so much better if we could just use the @Input decorator like we’re used to. Well, guess what? Angular supports doing this exact thing as of v16
Step 3:You can directly use theHttpClientin your component, but its best to access it via the service. We are creating a new service with the help of angular-cli commandng generate service service-name. You will see code in that service as below: ...
Laurie Atkinson, Senior Consultant,Use the microsoft-adal-angular6 wrapper library to authenticate with Azure Active Directory in your Angular 6+ app. Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) for Angular 6+is a library for integrating Azure AD into your Angular app. However, its pro...
If you use NgModules, the lines with // <--- standalone only should not be part of your code! Now switch to app.component.ts : src/app/app.component.ts import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import {TranslateModule} from "@ngx-translate/core"; // <--- standalone only impor...
How to create a login form in Angular material? As of now, we already know that to create any form in angular material, we can use the existing class and directive tags provided by the material library; for this, we need to have the material library installed in the application along wit...
Update the point corresponding to the selected index to redraw the polygon and the rectangle in the drag function. drag(event:any,svgElement:any){ if (this.usingTouchEvent && !event.targetTouches) { //if touch events are supported, do not execute mouse events. return; } if (this.points ...
In this tutorial, we are going to take a look at the ngIf directive. We will discover how we can use it to show or hide parts of our angular application. Also, we will find out how the ngIf directive differs from using the "hidden" attribute. When we