Anglo-Chinese School(International) Singapore 咨询客服 400-850-6500 院校大全国际学校新加坡英华国际学校院校首页 院校概况 建校时间1886 学校类型国际学校 招生年龄12-18 学校地址61 Jalan Hitam ManisSingapore 278475 学生数量来自33个国家约1000名学生
英华学校自1886年成立至今,已经塑造了成千上万品学兼优的学子。她从初期的一间学校拓衍成今日拥有6间设备齐全,优秀学校的大家庭,学生人数超过8,200名。值得一提并令人欣羡的是她已为国家培养出许多杰出的领袖、企业家及运动员。 英华学校品牌的教育是建立在创办人维廉奥登会督的信仰,将学生培养成在智育、体育、群...
曼谷新月新加坡国际学校Anglo Singapore International School 新月新加坡国际学校的的创建,是为给成长在全球化浪潮中的学生提供一套国际综合课程 。自建校伊始,我们就视“给学生提供一个良好的环境,把学生培养成为勤奋的终身学习者”视为我们的使命。我校的独特之处在于我们有真正的使用多种语言的 环境,我校的师生来自...
Anglo- Chinese School (Junior) is one of the two ACS primary schools in Singapore. Established in 1951 at the old Coleman Street campus, it moved to its previous premises at 25 Peck Hay Road in 1985. In December 2008, it moved to its current premises at 16 Winstedt Road where Monk's...
The church of christ in china ming kei college is an anglo - chinese grammar secondary school founded by the hong kong council of the church of christ in china in 1967 中华基督教会铭基书院为一所英文文法中学,一九六七年由中华基督教会香港区会创办。The ratios of school - ...
考场地址:25, Dover Close East, Singapore 139745 考场简介:英华初级学院即英华自主中校(英文:Anglo-Chinese School (Independent),简称ACS或英华自主中学)于1886年成立,是新加坡和印度尼西亚英华家族7所学校的一员。英华自主中校的前身是英华初级中学,现址位于新加坡杜佛路121号。作为新加坡名列前茅的数所名校之一,英华...
盎格鲁新加坡国际学校(Anglo Singapore International School) 英国课程 年龄:Ages 2 to 18学费:Not public课程:British and Singapore授课形式:English 学校概况 英格鲁新加坡国际学校,老师和员工为孩子提供全人学习的机会。这种培养性的指导让我们的学生选择通往成功的道路,在那里他们过着对社会负责的生活,有意义的,有智...
Families with older kids can benefit from the close proximity of Singapore Chinese Girls’ School and Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road). Both are renowned for their comprehensive educational system, combining challenging curricula with extensive ex...
Extended essayName:Brandon Sioeng DinataCandidate number: 003071-026School:Anglo Chinese School InternationalTopic: GeographyTitle:Foreign workers: aAre foreign workers in Singapore a social discomfort, or an economic necessity? This debate has been going on for a long time. Thus the aim of this ...
power distance culture explains why high levels of budgetary participation in the presence of available management accounting information would not result in high managerial performance for Chinese managers. 2.3Summary Taken together, cross-cultural research on MC practices has provided informative, albeit ...