Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) (Secondary) 新加坡, Queenstown 121 Dover Road, S139650 学校简介 英华学校(ACS)由卫理公会主教威廉·菲茨詹姆斯·奥尔德姆(William Fitzjames Oldham)于1886年创立,旨在培养学生“为上帝和人类”服务。 1988年1月,作为新加坡教育部使国家教育格局多样化的倡议的一部分,英华学校成为...
The Anglo- Chinese School (Independent) is a Methodist boys' secondary school in Singapore. It is a descendant of a school established in 1886 by Bishop William F Oldham at 70 Amoy Street, Singapore, and one of a group of educational institutions collectively known as the Anglo-Chinese School...
考场简介:英华初级学院即英华自主中校(英文:Anglo-Chinese School (Independent),简称ACS或英华自主中学)于1886年成立,是新加坡和印度尼西亚英华家族7所学校的一员。英华自主中校的前身是英华初级中学,现址位于新加坡杜佛路121号。作为新加坡名列前茅的数所名校之一,英华自主中学获得了新加坡教育部颁发的卓越学校奖(School ...
Samsung Electronics Singapore has crownedTeam redbluegoldfrom Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) as the grand winner of its Solve for Tomorrow 2024 competition in Singapore. The team, comprising Aiden Lim and Karan Gopu Pillai, impressed the judging panel with their projec...
Anglo-Chinese (International) school英华学校国际部,简称英华国际ACS (International),成立于2005年,建立在1886年奥尔德姆主教在新加坡创办第一所英华学校的基础上,这所IGCSE/IB学校以基督教价值观、新加坡130年的卓越学习传统和小班授课来定义。英华国际ACS (International)是新加坡六所卫理公会学校中的一员,以基督教的...
查特豪斯公学 Charterhouse School 寄宿 合校 13055期 810 伦敦西 萨里 14% 非代理,可申请 切尔西独立学院 Chelsea Independent College 非寄宿 合校 25500年 137 伦敦中心 乔丁汉中学 Cheltenham College 寄宿 合校 12225期 600 英格兰西南 乔汀汉 7% 非代理,可申请 乔丁汉女子中学 The Cheltenham Ladies'...
Independent Secondary School Ranking 2018 A-level league tables 2018 说明 英国私立中学A-Level排名(英国高中排名)每年由广州英中教育咨询有限公司Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy编制。2018年 英国中学 A-level排名,数据源于英国独立中学协会(Independent Schools Council)2018年8月第一批公布的英国A-Level全国会考官...
Anglo-Catholicism Anglo-Catholicism anglo-catholicly Anglo-Catholics Anglo-Celt Anglo-Celtic Anglo-Celtic Isles Anglo-Chinese Junior College Anglo-Chinese Junior School Anglo-Chinese School Anglo-Chinese School Barker Road Anglo-Chinese Wars Anglo-Danish ▼...
(Harrison,1992). The effects of budgetary participation have been shown to be independent of culture, a result attributed to the offsetting effects of the low power distance and high individualism of many Anglo-Saxon nations and the offsetting effects of the high power distance and low ...