Trying to go to anger management classes could be a great option and could help you to practice relaxation skills. A licensed therapist can provide guidance and techniques that can help identify triggers and control anger as well. They can also address underlying concerns like substance use*, ...
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can teach you techniques and skills for dealing with anger no matter what situation you're facing. You can learn to identify triggers and patterns that lead to your anger flaring and develop alternate, healthier coping and anger management strategies. Once you b...
13 years,anger,bedroom furniture,body experiences,bouts,bpd,cbt,dbt,depression,diagnosis,gp,habit,instincts,kristina randle,memories,panic,panic attacks,parents,relationships,self harm,sexual partners,siblings,sleep,small changes,ukI Hate You Don’t Leave Me...
Lay therapist-delivered manualised CBT improves anger coping in people with intellectual disability and anger problems, but effects on anger measures mixed.HumansAngerCognitive TherapyIntellectual DisabilityFemaleMaleAuthor information: (1)Mental Health Sciences Unit, University College London, , London, UK...