姓名:瑞吉儿·加德纳(Rachel·Gardner),简称为Ray(瑞依) 性别:女 年龄:13岁 能力:针线缝合、用枪射击 武器:黑色手枪、一把钝掉的匕首(札克赠送) 性格: 内向、缺爱、精神有问题(认为只要是被自己缝好的东西,都会属于自己)、一心求死(看了圣经后认为自己是污秽的,想被杀死,后被札克说服,以人的身份活下去) 以后...
Angels of Deathfollows Rachel Gardner, a 13-year-old girl who wakes up on the lowest floor of an unknown building. As she searches for an exit, she runs afoul of a crazed murderer wielding a scythe. In order to escape from the basement and the floors above (each with its own serial ...
《杀戮的天使》(Angels of Death)又名《X的天使》是一款由日本星屑KRNKRN制作的恐怖逃脱游戏。游戏讲述了在大楼地下室醒来的失忆少女瑞依与一位面缠绷带的杀人狂在密室逃脱的故事。游戏在剧情设置方面十分独特,同时具有多个结局,玩家的每一个选择都会影响剧情的走向。女主角是一个名叫Rachel·Gardner(中文名读作...
Kill me…please. ——Rachel·Gardner “……誓言它,不是能够被别人夺走的东西……!” 你到底是谁、什么人。 是本来的面貌 又或是期盼的身影。 是天使 还是祭品? ——真田信 名束九段 意识到的时候,我才发现……自己说不定,是在寻找着某样东西。 ——真田信 名束九段 zack:“我保证,一定杀了你。” ...
First Impression: Angels of Death After witnessing a violent event, Rachel Gardner is taken to a hospital for counseling. But she awakes to find herself not in a clinic, but in a strange, dark building, filled with literal questions and most frighteningly of all—a crazed man with a ...
«Angels of Death \Vines» → #angelsofdeath #satsurikunotenshi #isaacfoster #rachelgardner #anime 9 9人已评价 显示分享列表 «Angels of Death \Vines» → #angelsofdeath #satsurikunotenshi #isaacfoster #rachelgardner #anime 6 6人已评价 显示分享列表 «Angels of Death \Vines»...
Rachel Gardner CV: Haruka Chisuga Catherine Ward CV: Mariya Ise Daniel Dickens CV: Takahiro Sakurai Abraham Gray CV: Houchuu Ootsuka Isaac Foster CV: Nobuhiko Okamoto Edward Mason CV: Natsumi Fujiwara 0 Missing Characters Note a Missing Character ...
#解谜##恐怖##steam#游戏:杀戮天使Angels of Death,游戏讲述的是迷之杀人鬼和迷路少女故事的游戏玩家控制的女主人公名叫Rachel·Gardner,刚开始醒来之后发现自己在一个迷之医院里面,因为丧失了部分记忆,玩家需要不断的进行探索去解开各种未知的谜题,当然杀手也会不时的出现,也是这款游戏的重点所在,未知造成了心中的...
Do not copy our content in whole to other websites. If you are reading this anywhere besides TheGeekiary.com, it has been stolen. Read ourpoliciesbefore commenting. Be kind to each other. Tags:Angels of Death,Isaac Foster,Makoto Sanada,Rachel Gardner,RPG Maker,Zack Foster...