《Angels of Death》官方也推出男主角Zack的武器周边——镰刀型的信封刀,这可是百分百还原靠谱的成年男性武器,只是微缩版而已(15cm),方便携带,从口袋里一拿就能用,用来割开信封口,是一款文具性的周边(这不是小编归类为文具,就是零售店归类的),但由于凭着造工精益和工匠精神,也需要140RMB才能拿到手。...
姓名:瑞吉儿·加德纳(Rachel·Gardner),简称为Ray(瑞依) 性别:女 年龄:13岁 能力:针线缝合、用枪射击 武器:黑色手枪、一把钝掉的匕首(札克赠送) 性格: 内向、缺爱、精神有问题(认为只要是被自己缝好的东西,都会属于自己)、一心求死(看了圣经后认为自己是污秽的,想被杀死,后被札克说服,以人的身份活下去) 以后...
轩奏儿创建的收藏夹轩奏儿内容:杀戮天使Angels of Death,Rachel's Theme - In Deep,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
When Rachel wakes up in the basement of an unfamiliar building, she finds herself lost all her memory. As Rachel tries to get clear of the basement, she runs into Zack, a scythe-carrying serial killer wrapped from head to toe in bandages. “Kill me, kill
questions and most frighteningly of all—a crazed man with a bandaged face wielding a scythe. As Rachel tries to escape this killer, she finds that an even more difficult obstacle to surmount is the surprise another floor has in store…and the questions of life and death that traverse her ...
《杀戮的天使》(Angels of Death)又名《X的天使》是一款由日本星屑KRNKRN制作的恐怖逃脱游戏。游戏讲述了在大楼地下室醒来的失忆少女瑞依与一位面缠绷带的杀人狂在密室逃脱的故事。游戏在剧情设置方面十分独特,同时具有多个结局,玩家的每一个选择都会影响剧情的走向。女主角是一个名叫Rachel·Gardner(中文名读作...
Rachel 葉初語 315 Don't let me kill you just yet Nahaki 3241 夏 大肥豚 4598 Ray poni 1.5w 瑞秋 AOSORA 3081 杀戮天使 喜乃 225 扎克和雷 志村 8243 杀戮的天使 しゅんにゅん 1.4w 【杀戮天使】季节插图3张+α 志村 5473 杀戮的 白雨より 2735 杀了我——杀了我。 斧田藤也 5692 月下 三...
Angels of Deathfollows Rachel Gardner, a 13-year-old girl who wakes up on the lowest floor of an unknown building. As she searches for an exit, she runs afoul of a crazed murderer wielding a scythe. In order to escape from the basement and the floors above (each with its own serial ...
Something of interest When Rachel is acting on her own, speak to Zack 5 times in the graveyard. 1 guide Please, kill me Clear Episode 1. 1 guide Say cheese! Take a picture. 1 guide Conversations with a killer In the electric chair room, speak to Zack 5 times in the first exploration...
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