Andy is the best Android emulator available. Andy provides an easy way to download and install Android apps and games for your Windows PC or Mac.
1. 下载Andy Android Emulator for Mac 在浏览器中搜索并下载Andy Android Emulator for Mac的安装包。 2. 安装Andy Android Emulator for Mac 双击安装包并按照提示完成安装过程。 3. 配置Andy Android Emulator for Mac 打开安装好的Andy Android Emulator,按照提示设置Android虚拟机。 4. 运行Android应用程序 现在...
Andy is a freeutility toolthat allows you to effortlessly and seamlesslyrun an Android system on your desktop. This androidemulatorhas the capability to mimic the complete Android experience on your computer. Through this program, you will be able todownload,install, andusehundreds of thousands of...
Andy— is an Android OS emulator for personal computer. With its help you can easily launch games and applications that were developed for this operating system. With Andy's help you will turn your computer into a proper Android-tablet running by Windows of 7th or 8th series. Developers are ...
Step 1:Go to the website of Andy Android Emulator. The website’s name is: Just click it open. Step 2: Look for the part that says download. You might have to scroll for that: Click on the Download button to download the version shown next to it. ...
Andyroid Best 2016 Android Emulator.With Andyroid, a user can run android applications on Windows and Mac computers. Andyroid breaks down the barrier
Andy又名Android Emulator,它是一款非常强大的安卓环境安装器,它能够直接安装到PC上,然后使用安装应用,打破了台式机和移动计算之间的障碍,同时使用户能够及时了解最新的Android OS功能升级;它还为用户提供了无限的存储容量,与PC和Mac的兼容性以及在平台上玩最受欢迎的手机游戏的自由;用户现在可以在Windows PC上运行Andro...
看起来,至少在 Windows 平台上, Android Emulator 还是不会正确决定当前的时区。目前我知道的唯一方法就是,在启动 Emulator 的参数上,加上 -timezone "Asia/Taipei"。透过启动 Emulator 的参数可以更改时区,那可以透过 API 来更改系统时区吗?我试过 TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Taipei")),也...
Hi, first things first: Thank you for this great plugin! It works just fine for Google hangouts and Skype. My usecase however would be to use the camera with an android emulator. The Emulator runns just fine with droidcam for example whi...
3.2 Free Nox App Player Seamless mobile gaming on your PC 3.4 Free BlueStacks A free Android emulator to play games 3.7 Free Mac App Store Apple's dedicated Mac App Store 2.1 Paid macOS Server A full version app for Mac, by Apple Inc.. ...