1. 下载Andy Android Emulator for Mac 在浏览器中搜索并下载Andy Android Emulator for Mac的安装包。 2. 安装Andy Android Emulator for Mac 双击安装包并按照提示完成安装过程。 3. 配置Andy Android Emulator for Mac 打开安装好的Andy Android Emulator,按照提示设置Android虚拟机。 4. 运行Android应用程序 现在...
Andy is the best Android emulator available. Andy provides an easy way to download and install Android apps and games for your Windows PC or Mac.
Andy OS is great for mobile gaming, since it lets youuse your phone or tablet as a remote controlfor the desktop emulator. This is handy for playing certain types of action games, or racing games, for example. At the time of writing, Andy OS runs Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2. While it'...
A free Android emulator to play games 3.7 Free Mac App Store Apple's dedicated Mac App Store 2.1 Paid macOS Server A full version app for Mac, by Apple Inc.. 4.2 Free AltStore Install third-party apps on Apple devices without jailbreak ...
Andyroid Best 2016 Android Emulator.With Andyroid, a user can run android applications on Windows and Mac computers. Andyroid breaks down the barrier
A PSP emulator for Android, Windows, Mac and Linux, written in C++. Want to contribute? Join us on Discord at https://discord.gg/5NJB6dD or in #ppsspp on freenode (IRC) or just send pull requests / issues. For discussion use the forums on ppsspp.org. www.ppsspp.org Resources ...
Android Emulator Plugin for Jenkins Android模拟器 jenkins插件,用于Jenkins做持续集成时跑模拟器测试 项目地址:https://github.com/jenkinsci/android-emulator-plugin Android Maven Plugin 管理应用所需要的依赖库。包括的构建工具有Maven、Gradle、ant、sbt 项目地址:https://github.com/mosabua/maven-android-sdk-...
Andy for Mac is a reliable and feature-rich Android emulator that can fulfill the needs of all Mac users, from gamers to developers.With its seamless integration between desktop and mobile computing, extensive features, and user-friendly interface, this free emulator represents a great choice for...
Download Andy 43 for Mac - Install and run all your favorite applications from Google's Play Store with the help of this slick and comprehensive Android emulator
Andy is the best Android emulator available. The program provides an easy way to download and install Android apps and games for your Windows PC or Mac.Use your phone as a remote control when playing games! Run all your communication apps from your desktop (Snapchat, Viber, Whatsapp, etc)...