To create model by yourself, install TensorFlow and run python scripts like $ python Find this project useful ? ️ Support it by clicking the ⭐ button on the upper right of this page. ✌️ Credits The classifier example has been taken from Google TensorFlow example. The...
This sample uses theTensorFlow Lite inference libraryand does not require any native build tools. You can add the TensorFlow Lite inference library to your project by adding a dependency in yourbuild.gradle, for example: dependencies { compile 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite:0.1.1' } ...
This repo contains the kotlin implementation of TensorflowLite Example Apps here, which are mostly implemented in java rightnow. So if you like to see the kotlin, you can go through the repo! Star ⭐️ this repo to support the project! Congrats the project got accepted to Google Dev Lib...
Part 2 (install the TFlite library) Note if using the sample project; delete the existing references (red) to libtensorflow-lite.a in; Project Navigator - Frameworks Project Navigator - [APPLICATIONNAME] project (blue document icon) - [de...
A demo of android key word spoting based on tensorflow tutial example. This is a very good example of using tensorflow in android APP. This example contains only keyword spoting. The directory speech_commands is get To train the model: python tensorflow/examples/speech_commands/ --want...
Real-time object detection on Android using the YOLO network with TensorFlow - natanielruiz/android-yolo
Aidlearning是一个手机可用的Python编程框架。将带GUI的Linux系统移植到手机上,开发者可以高效、方便地进行Python编程。除了一些Linux环境下可用的功能,Aidlearning还加入了GUI(用户图形界面)和深度学习框架,现阶段已经完美支持Caffe, Tensorflow, Mxnet, ncnn, Keras ...
Download the newer inception model from Note: The .pb file in the zip is the same as the classify_image_graph_def used in some other example. Only the name is different. It is the same name as in the or...