Cloud Studio代码运行 //Android 12 AOSP源码//packages/modules/Gki/Android.bpcc_prebuilt_binary{name:"",product_specific:true,srcs:[""],apex_available:["*"],strip:{none:true,},} 这让开发者可以灵活地选择要纳入其最终产品中的版本。如果编...
对于喜欢寻根问底的同学,也可以从内核中的 execve 实现中找到对应的逻辑,以linux-v5.10-rc4为例,内核里主要的执行逻辑如下: load_elf_binary (fs/binfmt_elf.c) begin_new_exec (fs/exec.c) bprm_creds_from_file bprm_fill_uid 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 staticvoidbprm...
echo "binary meets licensing requirements. If you can't use GNU's runtime" echo "and STL library, then reconfigure with stlport or llvm. Also see" echo "" echo "***" fi COUNT=$(echo -n "$AOSP_STL_LIB" | grep -i...
BUILD_CONFIG=private/msm-google/build.config.floral BUILD_BOOT_IMG=1 VENDOR_RAMDISK_BINARY=boot.img-ramdisk.cpio KERNEL_BINARY=Image.lz4 BOOT_IMAGE_HEADER_VERSION=2 KERNEL_CMDLINE="..." BASE_ADDRESS=0x00000000 PAGE_SIZE=4096 build/ 完成编译,得到修改了内核选...
echo "binary meets licensing requirements. If you can't use GNU's runtime" echo "and STL library, then reconfigure with stlport or llvm. Also see" echo "" echo "***" fi COUNT=$(echo -n "$AOSP_STL_LIB" | grep -i...
一般编译 Android 会首先要执行source build/, 该命令会将脚本中的一些脚本函数(操作流程)加载到当前的环境中。 你可以通过直接调用函数名称来执行该过程。该脚本加载的函数包括: gettop(经常用到) 获取当前工程的绝对路径 get_build_var(非常有用,有助于分析编译架构) ...
binary.文件,并且为变量linked_module指向的文件制定了一个依赖规则,这个依赖由函数transform-o-to-shared-lib来执行。从函数transform-o-to-shared-lib就可以知道,它是根据一系列的中间编译文件(object文件)以及依赖库文件生成指定的动态链库文件的,主要就是由变量all_objects和alllibraries所描述的文件。现在,变量... Repository files navigation README License Linux kernel release 3.x <> These are the release notes for Linux version 3. Read them carefully, as they tell you what this is all about, explain how to install the kernel, and what to do if something goes ...
build/ ⬡ 5.7.0 build/ command not found: complete WARNING: Only bash is supported, use of other shell would lead to erroneous results including device/asus/deb/ including device/asus/flo/ including device/asus/grouper/ inclu...
# build/ coredump_setup - enable core dumps globally for any process # that has the core-file-size limit set correctly # #NOTE:You must call also coredump_enable for a specific process # if its core-file-size limit is not set already. ...