Shamrock 500 Spectrograph The Andor Shamrock SR-500i is the latest addition to the Andor family of spectrographs based on the Czerny-Turner optical design (0225 R1) Download file
The Andor Shamrock SR-500i imaging spectrometer is based on Czerny-Turner optical design. The optimized optical design provides exceptional performance for multi-track Spectroscopy. The Shamrock 500i is available as a pre-aligned, pre-calibrated camera/spectrometer detection solution allowing for seamless...
Shamrock 500i 研究级高性能影像校正光谱仪 作为通用型光栅光谱仪系列中销售量最大的光谱仪,SR-500i 在各种 不同的实验环境里,具有最大的使用灵活性。SR-500i 已经做了精确 的校准,有利于减少用户的维护工作量。SR-500i 可以根据用户的实 验需求,提供多至 2 个入口,2 个出口,可以方便地接用两种光源 / 两...
2.4 Wide Aperture Slit (WAS) SR-ASZ-0086 for Kymera 193i/328i and Shamrock 500i/750 2.5 Shamrock cage adapter plate (30 mm cage system) SR-ASM-0065 for all Shamrocks (attaches to WAS housing). 2.6 Cage adapter (30mm) to port of microscope Depends on the microscope used: reference ...
Kymera 193i Spectrograph Kymera 328i Spectrograph Mechelle 5000 Spectrograph Newton 920 CCD Newton 940 CCD Newton 970 EMCCD Newton 971 EMCCD PV Inspector CCD Shamrock 163 Spectrograph Shamrock 500i Spectrograph Shamrock 750 Spectrograph Solis I Solis S Solis Scanning Solis T Relat...
Figure 1: X-ray event diameter as a function of energy Direct detection occurs when an incident photon is absorbed within the silicon of the CCD, resulting in the producti... Monochromatizing a VUV Photon Source for HHG Introduction The development of ultra short coherent soft X-ray pulses ...
SR-ASZ-0033 - SR-750 Adapter Flange for InGaAs detector. ACC-SD-VDM1000 - Shutter Driver for NS25B Bistable Shutter (not needed for Shamrock spectrographs) ACC-SHT-NS25B - Bistable Shutter, Standalone (not needed for Shamrock spectrographs) You...
The Andor Shamrock SR-750 is based on Czerny-Turner optical design. The Shamrock is available as a pre-aligned detector/spectrometer option allowing for seamless integration of software, electronics, optics and detector. There is also a fast and interactive graphical software interface allowing full ...
英国安道尔ANDOR光谱仪Shamrock 500i 品牌介绍: ANDOR 是开拓和制造高性能光测量解决方案的*,主要制造高性能的数码相机,可应用于天文影像、单分子荧光、显微镜相机等各种领域内的用户提供影像及光谱测量的系统解决方案。ANDOR不仅为用户提供系统中zui为重要的主机设备,同时也根据用户的试验要求,提供诸如锁相放大器、低温制...
500mm焦距单色仪作为Shamrock系列中销售量最大的光谱仪,SR-500i在各种不同的实验环境里,具有更大的使用灵活性,深受广大用户的欢迎。 详细介绍 500mm焦距单色仪 作为Shamrock系列中销售量最大的光谱仪,SR-500i在各种不同的实验环境里,具有更大的使用灵活性,深受广大用户的欢迎。