Shamrock 750 Spectrograph Brochure Specs The Andor Shamrock SR-750 is based on Czerny-Turner optical design. The Shamrock is available as a pre-aligned detector/spectrometer option allowing for seamless integration of software, electronics, optics and detector. There is also a fast and interactive ...
Shamrock 500i 研究级高性能影像校正光谱仪 作为通用型光栅光谱仪系列中销售量最大的光谱仪,SR-500i 在各种 不同的实验环境里,具有最大的使用灵活性。SR-500i 已经做了精确 的校准,有利于减少用户的维护工作量。SR-500i 可以根据用户的实 验需求,提供多至 2 个入口,2 个出口,可以方便地接用两种光源 / 两...
SR-ASZ-0033 - SR-750 Adapter Flange for InGaAs detector. ACC-SD-VDM1000 - Shutter Driver for NS25B Bistable Shutter (not needed for Shamrock spectrographs) ACC-SHT-NS25B - Bistable Shutter, Standalone (not needed for Shamrock spectrographs) You...
If required: SR-ASZ-0086 for Kymera 193i/328i, SR-ASZ-0082 for Shamrock 500i/750 3.5 Shamrock cage adapter plate (30 mm cage system) SR-ASM-0065 for all Shamrocks (attaches to slit housing). 3.6 Cage adapter (30mm) to port of microscope Depends on the microscope used: reference ...
Andor’s CCD, sCMOS and EMCCD cameras provide high sensitivity, high dynamic range and fast detection for table-top laboratory and beamline experiments.
SR-ASZ-0033 - SR-750 Adapter Flange for InGaAs detector. ACC-SD-VDM1000 - Shutter Driver for NS25B Bistable Shutter (not needed for Shamrock spectrographs) ACC-SHT-NS25B - Bistable Shutter, Standalone (not needed for Shamrock spectrographs) You...
The Andor Shamrock SR-500i imaging spectrometer is based on Czerny-Turner optical design. The optimized optical design provides exceptional performance for multi-track Spectroscopy. The Shamrock 500i is available as a pre-aligned, pre-calibrated camera/spectrometer detection solution allowing for seamless...
• 作为Shamrock系列中销售量大的光谱仪,SR-500i在各种不同的实验环境里, 具有更大的使用灵活性,深受广大用户的欢迎。 •Andor光谱仪在出厂之前,SR-500i已经做了精.确的校准,所以在用户现场安装时非常方便。 焦距长度 500mm 通光孔径 f/6.5 焦平面尺寸 ...
• 作为Shamrock系列中销售量大的光谱仪,SR-500i在各种不同的实验环境里, 具有更大的使用灵活性,深受广大用户的欢迎。 • Andor光谱仪在出厂之前,SR-500i已经做了精.确的校准,所以在用户现场安装时非常方便。 焦距长度 500mm 通光孔径 f/6.5 焦平面尺寸 28mmX14mm 光谱分辨率 0.03nm @ 2400 l/mm ...