Anderson Windows Bid vs. Sunrise And Simonton I have three bids on my replacement windows and I was surprised that the Andersen 400 window came in $2500 lower (for full project) than the sunrise or Simonton. They also included the nicest looking window grids and it covered several little ...
After telling me this, Painell gave a making-the-best-of-a-bad-job sigh, and I can understand why. Many users have no clue how to handle a “wipe and replace” replacement of Windows, which is not something to be undertaken lightly. In this type of installation, the hard drive is t...
Whether you regard it as the beginning of the end for Windows, or a moment of rebirth, for me it was the year of Windows 8. Microsoft’s new Windows is fascinating on several levels: as a bold strategic move to make a desktop operating system into a tablet operating system, or as an...
Housekeeping service could be improved. I think it is reasonable to expect daily trash removal, change of towels, and replacement of toiletries/used cups/mugs without having to ask especially for a $300+ room rate. Date of stay:August 2024 ...
WINDOWS ON THE WORLD — big local opening/showing this Sunday, June 2, at 2 pm at the AV Grange in Philo. Screenplay by former locals, Robert Mailer Anderson and Zack Anderson. Starring Edward James Olmos, Ryan Guzman, Chelsea Gilligan with René Auberjonois to name a few. There will be...
What he didn’t say is that the delivery of a non-American weapon like an S-300 or S-400 might very well be followed by the delivery of “replacement” batteries of, say, Raytheon-manufactured Patriot missiles. This is reportedly what we offered Slovakia in exchange for donating its S-30...
The level of room service was critically inadequate, with our room receiving attention only once, and that attention limited to the mere replacement of towels. To add to our dismay, during this scant service, my personal pillow from the W hotel—an item of significant sentimental and monetary ...
No. Voters can vote on either one or both parts of the recall ballot. A voter can vote “no” to the question of removing the current elected officer from office and also select a replacement candidate”.
You can use zlib as a drop-in replacement for fread() and fwrite() if you are so inclined. zlib should be available at the same place that libpng is, or at You may also want a copy of the PNG specification. It is available as an RFC, a W3C Recommendation, and an ISO...
Of the nearly 150 City trees lost over the past 8 years, only about 60 had been replaced, whereas the Guidelines specify a one-to-one replacement. No amount of doctoring the data by you and your staff could change the numbers significantly. So the list was dumped — and a new, sanitize...