low end Anderson windows, we are referring specifically to American Craftsman and Silverline. Anderson purchased both of these companies some time ago in order to "break into" the vinyl window market, which makes up a considerable portion of the overall replacement and new construction window ...
And so, he decided his touring days were over — although he did come back to do some shows in August and early September of this year, because Joe Parrish, his replacement, was not fully vaccinated at that point — a much younger guy. ...
Housekeeping service could be improved. I think it is reasonable to expect daily trash removal, change of towels, and replacement of toiletries/used cups/mugs without having to ask especially for a $300+ room rate. Date of stay:August 2024 ...
Twenty dollars a weekly show is a month's rent per year. Or a full set of tires, two oil changes, replacement windshield wipers and car registration, all of that. Or comprehensive insurance on your vehicle. It's not much, but it's a lot. And that's the minimum I'll require when ...
iPad with or without high-res Retina displays. This gives me pause for thought. The challenge of mobile apps is now closer to that of desktop apps, where you do not know what display will be used or how users will choose to size the application window. Intelligent layout and scaling is ...
NAVARRO RIDGE SAFETY PROJECT, Navarro Ridge Drainage Project, and the Albion River Bridge Rehabilitation/Replacement Project and Salmon Creek Bridge Replacement CALTRANS VS. ALBION Caltrans' bad ideas for Albion Editor, Caltrans plans to put a two-lane expressway through Albion. The agency needs to ...
“We burn through those pretty quickly so I use my salary to buy extras at the dollar store,” he tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “One time the air conditioner in my teaching trailer broke so I spent $300 of my own money on a replacement A.C. until it was fixed. I store it in my ...