Additionally, the initial launch.json configuration now contains the correct launch settings for Laravel projects. This fix affects using quick built-in development server whenever there is a web root in a subfolder, i.e. having index.php in /public, /wwwroot, or /webroot. Now, the built-in...
laravel-soar SQL optimizer and rewriter for laravel. - laravel 的 SQL 优化器和重写器。 简体中文|ENGLISH 功能 支持启发式算法语句优化建议、索引优化建议 支持EXPLAIN 信息丰富解读 自动监控输出 SQL 优化建议 Soar bar、Debug bar、Clockwork、Ray、JSON、Console、Dump、Log、Error log、Syslog、自定义输出器(...
Did you know that Laravel comes with a Prunable trait to permanently remove records, including the soft-deleted ones, based on a condition you define? 🚀 <?php // Define the pruning condition class User extends Authenticatable { use Prunable; public function prunable() { return static::que...
Note that the saving model is passed to the Gate of callback in the next chain call. so for example you can check the ID of the model which is saving. Conditions: HeyMan::(situation) ->(condition) ->otherwise() ->(reaction) ; ...
通过Laravel雄辩过滤实现高CPU使用率 、、、 ) use ($user) return $team->inTeam($user);球队的花名册是用户in的数组,以字符串形式存储在数据库中。,我的服务器CPU使用率在apache2上达到约60%+,在mysqld上约为30%,我不知道为什么。在团队模型上使用filter()是我发现的做我需要的最干净的方式,它只会...
In this small tutorial i will let you know how you can write query for where null and where not null condition. here i will write core SQL query and then convert it into laravel query builder using db. So just see bellow example and see how it is works. ...
PHP Apache2 Laravel Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred with MIME type text/html: “ July 13, 2020 Depending on your server configuration. Some condition, it can be solved by creating an .htaccess file into your root folder (or update the existing one) with this line inside ...
In simple, Laravel whereraw() function is used as the query builder where the input data is fed as th-e same in SQL query using the where clause. The syntax of laravel on the whereraw() query is defined as: Whereraw(condition executed in SQL, Value of array); ...
laravel5.6 开发API使用apipost调用路由时报The page has expired due to inactivity. Please refresh and try again.错误 这是由于在Laravel框架中有此要求: 任何指向 w... 查看原文 laravel5.6 提示The page has expired due to inactivity. Please refresh and try again.的解决方法 laravel5.6版本The page ...