I was wondering how I could load all models of a type where a specific conditions is met. Lets take the following example setup. I have 2 eloquent models,HouseandRental. AHousehas ahasManyrelationship to theRental. public function rentals() { return $this->hasMany(Rental::class); } The...
Relationship with conditions and ordering public function orders() { return $this->hasMany('App\Order'); } 其实我们可以在获取多订单的同时,加入筛选语句和排序。如,获取已支付并按更新时间倒序输出: public function paidOrders() { return $this->hasMany('App\Order')->where('paid', 1)->orderBy(...
Model A has hasMany relationship with B. Upto here things are ok. But now, I want to add more conditions on this relationship. By default, Laravel works only foreign key relation. I mean it matches data on the basis of only 1 condition. Here, I want more condition. Below are...
By default, Laravel will determine the relationship associated with the given model based on the class name of the model; however, you may specify the relationship name manually by providing it as the second argument to the whereBelongsTo method:...
当我使用带有Laravel Eloquent的ModelName::with('somerelation')->get()时,如果模型没有这种关系,我会得到Call to undefined relationship但是对于多态关系,我得到了所有相关模型的集合,如果没有定义关系,我想使用with('somerelation')和null。有没有办法避免错误并从with()返回null,或者有条件地使用呢? 浏览29提问...
By default, Laravel will determine the relationship associated with the given model based on the class name of the model; however, you may specify the relationship name manually by providing it as the second argument to the whereBelongsTo method:...
If you wanted to count only the posts with a specific condition, say, titles starting with "Hello":$users = User::withCount(['posts' => function($query) { $query->where('title', 'like', 'Hello%'); }])->get(); Example-4: Ordering Results Based on Relationship Count...
laravel withsum condition hasMany(Asset::class); } } Asset Model: Laravel relationship with withSum() Example: withSum('Assets', 'price') ->get() ->toArray(); dd($remarks); } } laravel query builder sum group by $data = DB::table("click") ...
Sometimes you may wish to eager load a relationship, but also specify a condition for the eager load. Here's an example:$users = User::with(['posts' => function($query) { $query->where('title', 'like', '%first%'); }])->get();...