Students of the British traditions of Merddyn/Merlin discussed by Geoffrey of Monmouth will instantly be able to identify his own madness with the fate of Suibhne in the Irish story. Thesylvanstate of beast-like insanity and living among swine is a potent invocation of the pagan mysteries, ex...
Irish Grid Reference: C 3664 1972. On the summit of the 800-foot-high Greenan Mountain at Carrowreagh on the Inishowen Peninsula in County Donegal, Republic of Ireland, is the virtually intact ancient stone fort known as ‘The Grianan of Aileach’ or ‘Greenan Fort’ (a stronghold of the...
Rowan (Irish origin, also agirl name with charming meaning) What Are Nicknames & Diminutives ForRoman’s Name? Manny Ro Ro-Ro Roe Rom Rome Romy Ron Ronny Names You Can Pair WithRoman Middle NamesFor Boys To Pair WithRoman Anthony
Anna Byers and her Irish friends. A photo of my maternal Grandmother, Anna Byers McNally. with work place friends. She emigrated with parents and sibs from Germany in 1882 when she was 6. They settled in Penn. and got into the silk mill business. Anna was evidently in charge of a proce...
accordance with the language labels provided in CELT metadata. We only include a CELT text in the dataset if it has a single Irish language label, and if it matches the dates (also provided in the metadata) of this period of the Irish language history. Some Irish texts may contain bits ...
Byline: PAUL CLARKSONThe Mirror (London, England)
1. Grace O’Malley For those of you who were disappointed that Grace O’Malley was left off our list of female privateers, let us now share the story of this 16th-century Irish privateer, also known as Gráinne Mhaol. Hers is a story born out of teenage defiance. ...
Like Hercules, the Irish hero Cuchulain, and many others, Litulone had great strength and fighting skill when barely out of infancy. cult group bound together by devotion to a particular person, belief, or god Folk heroes include Robin Hood, an English adventurer who fought and robbed ...
Women and the Ancient Olympics The women’s version of the Olympics was called the Heraean Games, held in honor of the goddess Hera, wife and sister to the almighty Zeus. I won’t bother unpacking that last bit. Ironically, or perhaps not, Hera was the goddess of marriage, family, chil...
My mom's side of the family is Swedish (and still lives in Sweden) and she instilled in me lots of Swedish heritage and traditions which has made me who I am today. My dad's side of the family is German and Irish and the most likely the side of the family I get all my freckles...