根据第一段“This one was chosen because it echoed the labels of groups, such as “Italian Americans” and “Irish Americans”, that had already been freed of widespread discrimination.(之所以选择这个词,是因为它呼应了一些群体的标签,如“意大利裔美国人”和“爱尔兰裔美国人”,这些群体已经摆脱了广泛...
that term was overtaken by"Black."And then,at a press conference in Chicago in 1988,Jesse Jackson declared that"African American"was the term to embrace.This one was chosen because it echoed the labels of groups,such as"Italian Americans"and"Irish Americans,"that had already been freed of ...
that term was overtaken by"Black."And then,at a press conference in Chicago in 1988,Jesse Jackson declared that"African American"was the term to embrace.This one was chosen because it echoed the labels of groups,such as"Italian Americans"and"Irish Americans,"that had already been freed of ...
Americans”and“IrishAmericans,”thathadalreadybeenfreed ofwidespreaddiscrimination. Acentury’sworthofcalculatednamechangespointto thefactthatnaminganygroupisapoliticallyfreightedexercise. A2001studycatalogedallthewaysinwhichtheterm“Black” carriedconnotations(涵义)thatweremorenegativethanthose of“AfricanAmerican....
and mostly because her Irish partner preferred waiting. I was a bit crestfallen when the Novio expressed that he’d wanted to know right away, as I genuinely believe this could have been one of the last happy surprises we’d ever get. But knowing we were having a boy made the naming ...
T his one was chosen because it echoed the labels of groups, such as "Italian Americans" and "Irish Americans ," that had already been freed or widespread discrimination.A century's worth of calculated name changes point to the fact that naming any group is a politically freighted exercise....
“African-American” was the term to welcome.This one was chosen because it echoed the labels of groups, such as “Italian-Americans" and“Irish-Americans", that had already been freed of widespread discrimination.A century's worth of calculated name changes point to the fact that naming any...
that term was overtaken by"Black."And then,at a press conference in Chicago in 1988,Jesse Jackson declared that"African American"was the term to welcome.This one was chosen because it echoed the labels of groups,such as"Italian Americans"and"Irish Americans,"that had already been freed of ...
that term was overtaken by"Black."And then,at a press conference in Chicago in 1988,Jesse Jackson declared that"African American"was the term to embrace.This one was chosen because it echoed the labels of groups,such as"Italian Americans"and"Irish Americans,"that had already been freed of ...
An d then, at a press conferenc e in Chicago in 1988, Jess e Jackson declar e d that"African American" was th e term to welcome.T his on e was chosen becaus e it echo e d th e lab els o f groups, such as "Italian Americans" an d "Irish Americans," that h a d already...