literally meaning “the mountain of Megiddo,” with the Hebrew and Aramaic word for “mountain” being “har,” written in Greek as “ar” since Greek does not have a letter “h”), a word often transliterated into
Nazarene. The word "Jesus" is actually a mis-transliteration of a Greek mis-transliteration. The Emperor Constantine even mistook Jesus for Apollo, the son of the Greek god Zeus. In Hebrew, Yeshua means "God is Salvation" while the name Jesus has no intrinsic meaning in English whatsoever."...
Because the Latin and Greek fail us, many of us have come to question what the babblers handed-down to us. (See Proverbs 18:17). Those who have searched the Eberith / Hebrew texts know there are 3 variations of the Mashiak's Name found. The Greek cannot form the proper transliteration...
though it conflates the Passion with the End Days, adding the betrayal of a Judas to a messianic Second Coming. Neo’s very name isn’t just an anagram of “One” but also a prefix meaning “new,” a word with important Christian overtones: Jesus is a “new man,” we ...
which later was over the heads of the Hayyot; Paradise on the right side of God, Hell on the left side; the Celestial Sanctuary directly in front of God, having a jewel on its altar graven with the Name of the Messiah, and a Voice that cries aloud, "Return, ye children of men."...
” H is findings included the meaning behind the “Ram and Star” coins from Antioch along with the most likely “ heavenly alignment” constituting the “Star of Bethlehem . ” He concluded that the design was meant to recognize the birth of the Messiah in Judaea and that His birth ...
Even after Champollion broke things open with theLettre à M. Dacierin 1822, crackpot die-hards were still trying to derive Egyptian and its writing from Hebrew and other fantasies -- reminding me of the Hindu nationalists who see alphabet writing in theIndus Valley Script. ...
The Hebrew idiom “three days and three nights” means simply “a period of time that covers parts of 3 days”. It may begin the last 5 hours of the 1st day, then include all 24 of the 2nd, and end after 4 hours into the 3rd day. But if we interpret it according to OUR manner...
For Schonfield, Jesus had carefully planned his career of public ministry in accordance with his belief that he was Israel's Messiah.(2) Accordingly, he plotted events such as his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, on which occasion Lazarus helped him make the appropriate arrangements.(3) Jesus ...
meaning to overpower in the sense of holding back, holding down, detaining, suppressing, etc. Moreover, the thing which is held back, is not the church, 23 for the object is not in the accusative but in the partitive genitive: it is "hers," part of her, that which belongs to her,...