The Promised Messiah... Enjoy this free one-page foldout I wrote for Zola Levitt Ministries showing Messianic prophecies from the Scriptures in both Hebrew and English. Simply print the PDF double-sided and then fold! Download >> Online Hebrew Training Courses!
Others say, "The Name of our Messiah is "Yeshua" which is the original proper name for Jesus the Nazarene. The word "Jesus" is actually a mis-transliteration of a Greek mis-transliteration. The Emperor Constantine even mistook Jesus for Apollo, the son of the Greek god Zeus. In Hebrew,...
“You have heard that the ancients were told, ‘You shall not commit murder; . . .’” Matthew 5:21 NASB You have heard – Judaism rejects Jesus, but not because of his claim to be the Messiah. Judaism rejects Jesus because Jews believe that Jesus rejected Torah. Since Torah is the ...
late Old English, from Old FrenchEbreu, from LatinHebraeus, from GreekHebraios, from Aramaic (Semitic)'ebhrai, corresponding to Hebrew'ibhri"an Israelite." Traditionally from an ancestral nameEber, but probably literally "one from the other side," perhaps in reference to the River Euphrates, ...
From the author of book also provides fascinating information throughout, to illustrate how learning Hebrew gives you a better understanding of the Lord Jesus, the Jewish Messiah.Click for more information...God's Secrets Revealed in Hebrew! Learn amazing insights into ...
Mashiakh Messiah. The earliest use of mashiakh was for a king appointed by God, such as Saul 1 Sam 10:1 or David 1 Sam 16:13. Jesus was called the mashiakh, the Anointed One. In Greek, Christos. In English, Christ. Shlikhim Missionaries. A shaliakh is a man sent on a mission...
Like all Orthodox Jews, Ben Yehuda desired to be buried on the Mount of Olives because Orthodox Jews believe that when the Messiah comes, He will come first to the Mount of Olives. They therefore believe that those who are buried on the Mount of Olives will be the first to be resurrected...
In dictionaries, Hebrew verbs are given in the third-person masculine singular past tense form. Compare this to English-language dictionaries that give verbs in the infinitive. Word order The usual word order in Modern Hebrew is Subject-Verb-Object, as opposed to Biblical Hebrew where the word ...
Organization of Women chose a phrase to spell out NOW, the disciples of Jesus' followers chose a particular phrase that also spelled a word. If you want to delve even more deeply into this, the actual words Jesus Messiah (i.e. Jesus Christ, since Christ is the Greek word for Messiah) ...
The book also provides fascinating information throughout, to illustrate how learning Hebrew gives you a better understanding of the Lord Jesus, the Jewish Messiah. Click for more information... God's Secrets Revealed in Hebrew! Learn amazing insights into the Hebrew texts of Scripture from a lea...