Studying the ancient Egyptians teaches us a lot about life long ago. we can learn about the tools these people used and clothes they wore. we can learn about the food ther ate and the gods they worshipped. by studying ancient Egyptians, we know that t...
Ancient Egypt was known for its prodigious culture,the pyramids, the sphinx, and thepharaohsof this once-majestic civilization on the banks of the Nile. And when it comes to the culinary habits of the people of ancient Egypt, it is clear that they ate much better than people of any other...
Egyptian cuisine makes heavy usage of fruit and vegetables from the rich fertile Nile Valley and Delta of Egypt. It shares many similarities with the traditional food of the Eastern Mediterranean area, including olive oil-based foods, tomatoes, olive leaf-based dishes, lamb, peppers, olives, and...
With respect to the Old Stone Age, the author mentions the evidence furnished by settlements of the Sebilian culture showing that the food supply was based on hunting, fishing and, particularly, the harvesting of molluscs. Querns indicate that wild gramineae were exploited. Wheat and barley were...
theBashendi culturepeople were mobile herder-foragers during the African humid period. They lived in slab-built settlement sites, and open-air sites consisting of clusters of hearth mounds. Elsewhere in the Western Desert of Egypt, Bashendi-like groups have also inhabited the Farafra Oasis, and ...
Egypt Museum is a virtual collection of ancient Egypt art culture and history, artifacts, jewelry and statuary, tombs and temple reliefs.
Ancient Egypt was a civilization in northeastern Africa that dates from the 4th millennium BCE. Its many achievements, preserved in its art and monuments, hold a fascination that continues to grow as archaeological finds expose its secrets.
Egyptology. The main sources of information about ancient Egypt are the many monuments, objects and artifacts that have been recovered from archaeological sites, covered with hieroglyphs that have only recently been deciphered. The picture that emerges is of a culture with few equals in the beauty...
Professor of Egyptology and Archaeology Laurel Bestock answers your questions about ancient Egypt from Twitter. What did ancient Egyptians sound like? Why is King Tut so enduringly popular? What ancient Egyptian medicine and tools do we still use in mode