The three distinct parts of the tongue include the tip, body, and base of the tongue: Tip: The most mobile section of the tongue. Body: The main portion of the tongue that is rough on the surface and smooth on the underside, covered with papillae. Base: The back of the tongue ...
forms the bottom of your mouth •Anatomy o Underside of mandible corpus of the hyoid in a fanlike fashion > go inside the mandible to your jaw o Floor of the oral cavity •Innervation oCN V, mandibular branch •Function oElevates hyoid oProjects hyoid forward oOR depress mandib...
Broca’s area:lies in the left frontal lobe (Fig 3). If this area is damaged, one may have difficulty moving the tongue or facial muscles to produce the sounds of speech. The person can still read and understand spoken language but has difficulty in speaking and writing (i.e. forming l...
The tongue •lingual papillae •body •root •lingual frenulum •intrinsic and extrinsic muscles lingual papillae vallate, foliate, fungiform body anterior two-thirds Root posterior one-third of Lingual frenulum attachment to floor of mouth ...
AnatomyofLarynx Generalprinciplesofdevelopment Thedevelopmentofthelarynxcanbedividedinto prenatalandpostnatalstages. Atbirth,thelarynxislocatedhighintheneck betweentheC1andC4vertebrae,allowing concurrentbreathingorvocalizationanddeglutition. Byage2years,thelarynxdescendsinferiorly;by ...
They have a brownish-tan coloration throughout the dorsal surface with a countershading of white on the underside. They have large oval eyes. Their black back helps them blend in with the shadowy seafloor, while a white belly helps them blend in with the lighter water surface, giving them ca...
-carries special sensory fibers for taste (anterior 2/3 of tongue)-passes through middle ear space from lateral part of posterior wall to anterior wall, crosses behind TM Stapedius Muscle -smallest muscle in the body-attached to the head of the stapes-contracts reflexively to loud sounds-pulls...
the basis of theirdigestive tractand dentition. In keeping with a carnivorous habit, the cat has a simple gut; thesmall intestineis only about three times the length of the body. Thetonguein all cats has a patch of sharp, backward-directed spines near the tip, which has the appearance ...
Computed tomography (CT) angiography is the main method for the initial evaluation of cerebral circulation in acute stroke. A comprehensive CT examination that includes a review of the three-dimensional and maximum-intensity projection images of the main
Join Vagus N.; motor to muscles of soft palate, pharynx and larynxSpinal branch: Motor to muscles of neck and backSmall sensory component (proprioceptive fibers) Hypoglossal Nerve (XII) primarily motor, motor to muscles of the tongue for speaking, chewing and swallowing dorsal root contains cell...